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Video: Themes for Magento. Learning to Design and Code for Magento. Magento SEO. 2 Magento Template Optimization 2.1 Headings By default the logo is an <h1>, which is should only be on the front page, and on all other pages it should be no more than an <h3>. The most important thing is to get the title of the content in an <h1>tag, e.g. for a category page should it be the category name and for a product the product name. The next step is to clean up the over usage of headings. It’s a good idea to get rid off the header usage in the side columns, or make the text relevant to the shop (ie. include keywords). There is no reason to add “static” and keyword less titles with an <h4>.

It is, for instance, better to change all the <h4>tags in <div class="head"> to <strong> tags. To learn more about why proper headings are important read this article on headings and why you should use them. 2.2 Clean up your code 2.3 Aim for speed A very important factor in how many pages a search engine will spider on your shop each day, is how speedy your shop loads. Enable caching. Skift produktbillede udfra klik på farvekode. Some useful Magento template code snippets | Web Designer Online. Over the last 2 month, I’ve built a few Magento sites during which I’ve had certain requests to add some basic extras to the site template – basic it may sound however if you have even a little experience with Magento, you’ll be aware of its complexity. Product Reviews and Review form in a tab 1.

Add the following: 2. Add to app/design/frontend/[your_theme]/template/review/product/list.phtml Note: For the above to work, your theme should already be using product tabs (Many tutorials are available online if you don’t have tabs) Source: Show Sub-Categories (as images with text) on Category or product Pages (and sort by name) If a category contains both products and further sub-categories, then this code can be used so such a category shows both products and sub-categories.

Add the following: to app/design/frontend/[your_theme]/template/catalog/category/list.phtml OR app/design/frontend/[your_theme]/template/catalog/product/list.phtml Step 1 Then. Slideshow. Video: Magento Creating Themes. Magento for Designers: Part 3. Magento is a stunningly powerful e-commerce platform. In this miniseries, we'll learn how to get started with the platform, getting to know the terminologies, setting up a store and all related aspects of it and finally learn how to customize it to make it our very own.

In this third part, we'll focus on the process behind theming Magento: how to install themes, the various concepts you'll need to understand to create a theme and the general file structure. Excited? Let's get started! The Full Series A Quick Recap In the last part, we saw how to get your Magento store from installed to ready for deployment including how to set up your products, product categories, taxes, shipping, payment gateways and many more. Today, we'll look at the basics of Magento theming. Magento Theme Basics First up, theming Magento isn't really as hard as it is purported.

See? Note that in Magento, the front end and the back end are skinned completely separately. Installing a Theme I'll talk briefly about both. Video: Magento Static Blocks. Designer&#039;s Guide. Forum - Danish Forum.