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Catch Him & Keep Him | Every Man’s First Date Rules. As promised, here’s that FREE VIDEO CLIP from my “Mastering ‘Make Or Break’ Moments With Men” Program. Click to WATCH IT NOW: Don’t you wish you’d known this stuff BEFORE you went on your last date? Look, I know that dating can be frustrating. Sometimes you feel like you FINALLY met a great guy… and you have an amazing connection… and everything feels likes it’s clicking. But then, out of nowhere, he pulls away or disappears altogether. It can leave anyone feeling completely powerless over their love life. But here’s the thing: you DO have power. Yet a first date is only one of 15 CRITICAL moments that will either break you and your man apart… or keep your relationship going strong. And how you HANDLE those critical moments means everything to the future of your love life. That’s why I created a road map for each of these moments that will show you exactly how to steer them in such a way that a man will only want to get closer and closer to you.

Credit and Debit Orders Only Not sure yet? P.S. What To Do When He's Pulling Away - mandyclaire76. Finally, INSTANT Answers About Men (...And An Amazing *GIFT* for YOU!) - mandyclaire76. Why Men Act Hot And Cold - mandyclaire76.