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Mind Blowing Movies. Comment: Vaporwave and the pop-art of the virtual plaza. 24 More Weird and Wonderful Movies That You'll Never Get To See. I could swear I've seen Nu Sheqinggui, but I can't really be certain.

24 More Weird and Wonderful Movies That You'll Never Get To See

Most of my asian film watching came from Dodd's Video in Denton, TX, a notorious little video shop whose owner collected every weird, wild and wonderful bootleg he could lay his hands on. I couldn't tell you if what I saw was a commercial release or not, because he rented dubs of master tapes he kept safe in his home. The 10 most spectacularly oddball superheroes of Indian cinema. Weird and Wonderful Movies That You'll Never Get to See. I once worked "The Point" into my 10th grade English class curriculum.

Weird and Wonderful Movies That You'll Never Get to See

Insane 1977 movie sent Bruce Lee to Hell to meet Popeye, Dracula, and James Bond. Determining Who Made the Most Movies. The 10 Greatest Spherical Monsters In Science Fiction And Fantasy (NSFW) Fantasía, curiosidades de la obra más experimental de Disney. No duermas para descansar, duerme para soñar.

Fantasía, curiosidades de la obra más experimental de Disney

Porque los sueños estan para cumplirse...Walt Disney Hace tanto tiempo de ella que a menudo se nos olvida una de las obras más grandes filmadas en el mundo de la animación. Terry Gilliam explains the difference between Kubrick and Spielberg. S 50 Scariest Movies Of All Time. The Polar Express: A Virtual Train Wreck (conclusion) Finally!

The Polar Express: A Virtual Train Wreck (conclusion)

I'm back with the conclusion to my commentary on THE POLAR EXPRESS. If you missed the first installment, just scroll down a bit or click HERE. Inside Movie Animation: Simulating 128 Billion Elements. Ever wonder how animated films such as The Incredibles get hair, clothing, water, plants, and other details to look so realistic?

Inside Movie Animation: Simulating 128 Billion Elements

Or how, like the lion in The Chronicles of Narnia, animated characters are worked into live-action films? If not, the animators would be pleased, since they don't want special effects to distract from the story. Behind the scenes, though, is a sophisticated combination of artistry, computation, and physics.

Traditionally, animation was hand drawn by artists who needed"some of the same magical eye that the Renaissance painters had, to give the impression that it's realistically illuminated," says Paul Debevec, a computer graphics researcher at the University of Southern California. Over the past decade or so, the hand-painted animation has faded as physically-based simulations have increasingly been used to achieve more realistic lighting and motion.

To Save and Project: Screening Restored Movies. Jeremy Licht in “It’s a Good Life,” from Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983).

To Save and Project: Screening Restored Movies

Image courtesy The Museum of Modern Art Film Stills Archive. The 49th New York Film Festival draws to a close this weekend with a screening of Alexander Payne’s The Descendants. Critical response to the festival has been somewhat muted, perhaps because, as A.O. Scott pointed out in his New York Times summary, so many of the scheduled films will receive theatrical releases in the future. One of the high points of the Festival was the appearance of the West Memphis Three for a screening of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (see my earlier posting). A festival coup was a sneak preview of director Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, adapted by John Logan from Brian Selznick’s children’s novel Hugo Cabret. Roger Livesey in The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943).

Scorsese is making an appearance at a different New York festival that opens today at the Museum of Modern Art. Science on Screen: Explaining Why Zombies Want to Eat You and Other Mysteries of Life. Is there real science behind 12 Monkeys?

Science on Screen: Explaining Why Zombies Want to Eat You and Other Mysteries of Life

Photo credit: Photofest More than most art forms, cinema was founded on science. Inventors like Thomas Alva Edison drew on optics, chemistry, metallurgy and neuropsychology in devising and perfecting motion pictures. Edison’s early cinematic developments were covered by Scientific American, while Popular Science and similar magazines devoted articles to film technologies like color and 3D processes. And yet for over a hundred years, feature films have played with science’s facts and distorted its principles and theories. Starting in 2005, Elizabeth Taylor-Mead, then the associate director of the Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation, and entrepreneur Richard Anders began addressing the disconnect between film and science.

In November, the Coolidge is showing Luis Buñuel’s The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, preceded by Dr. Mixing Movies and Politics. Recordando a James Dean: un mito en cinemascope. Resulta increíble que con sólo tres películas en su filmografía, James Dean siga siendo el mito en el que se convirtió tras fallecer en un accidente de coche tal día como hoy.

Recordando a James Dean: un mito en cinemascope

La mítica década de los ochenta. El cine de los ochenta es, por resumirlo en una palabra, entrañable.

La mítica década de los ochenta

Existe, en la generación que se crió viendo esas películas, una enorme nostalgia por esa época donde todo era posible. No sólo nos dejaron imágenes para el recuerdo, también frases y canciones y gestos. El impacto de algunas de aquellas películas aún se deja sentir en las nuevas creaciones cinematográficas ¿Qué es “Super 8” sino una suma de “E.T” y “The Goonies”? En los ochenta se gestó toda una nueva generación de actores, directores y productores que supieron emocionar y enganchar al público de todo el planeta.

Cine Clase B: películas buenas de tan malas.