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New Year’s Eve Vocabulary « English with Jo. With only one day to go until New Year’s Eve, you might wish to revise some common words and vocabulary that you might hear if you are out celebrating this occasion. New Year’s Day – The day when people celebrate the beginning of a new year. It is held on 1st January and in some countries it is a holiday from work.

New Year’s Eve - New Year’s Eve is the night before New Year’s Day, the 31st December. On New Year’s Eve, family and friends often get together for dinner or have a party to welcome in the new year. New Year’s Resolution – New Year’s Day is a time of new beginnings, so people often make new year’s resolution -a promise or goal that they hope to accomplish during the coming year. Celebration - To engage in festivities or rejoicing. Count down – to count backwards to an event that will start when zero is reached. Midnight – the middle of the night, specifically 12 o’clock at night. Party – A social gathering for amusement or celebration. BRITISH COUNCIL. Simon Sez Santa - Powered by Signature Advertising. Makedo Cardboard Christmas tree. Fun and Educational Games and Activities for Kids.

Jingle Bells from Super Simple Songs. Funschool - Fun and Educational Games and Activities for Kids. Calendar. Why don't you use a slavery related national or international day to show your commitment to fighting for the end of modern day slavery? 18 January – Operational Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Convention came into force in 2002. Why don’t you…… Raise awareness about children in slavery today?

Find out more about child slavery here. 12 Feb: Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child protecting children from participating in armed conflict, in force 2002 Why don’t you……. Learn about children forced to fight in wars? 8 March - International Women's Day This Day, declared by the UN General Assembly, aims to highlight the importance of creating conditions for the elimination of discrimination against women and for their full and equal participation in social development.Women are disproportionately affected by slavery across the world. Why don’t you……… Why don't you....... Why don’t you….