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Boboli Garden - Florence. The Garden that extends from the hill behind the Pitti Palace as far as Porta Romana, reached its current extension and appearance, becoming one of the largest and most elegant Italian style gardens, through several stages of enlargement and restructuring work carried out at diffrent times.

Boboli Garden - Florence

The first works initially affected the area that was closer to the palace, after the buildung had been purchased by Cosimo I de´ Medici and by his wife Eleonora di Toledo, who had chosen this place for new grand ducal palace. The initial plan was drawn by Niccolò Tribolo, although the works were completed, after his death in 1550 by other architects including also Giorgio Vasari (from 1598 to 1561) along with Bartolomeo Ammannati and Bernardo Buontalenti under the reign of Francis I, who succeeded to his father Cosimo. The Medici and the Lorraine families continued to enrich and enlarge the garden also in 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Santa Margherita de' Cerchi. Entrance portal of Chiesa di Santa Margherita de'Cerchi.

Santa Margherita de' Cerchi

The Chiesa di Santa Margherita de' Cerchi is an ancient church dedicated to Margaret the Virgin in the centre of Florence, Italy. It is first recorded in 1032 and is said, contentiously, to have been the location of Dante's marriage to Gemma Donati in 1285 or 1290. It was certainly the Donati family's parish church and also contains several tombs of the Portinari family, to which Dante's great love Beatrice Portinari belonged, including Monna Tessa, her nursemaid. The church contains a fine altarpiece of the Madonna and Four Saints by Neri di Bicci. Visitors may write letters to Beatrice to ask her to fix their love lives, leaving the letters in a basket next to her shrine.

Coordinates: Giorgio Vasari. Giorgio Vasari (Italian: [ˈdʒordʒo vaˈzari]; 30 July 1511 – 27 June 1574) was an Italian painter, architect, writer and historian, most famous today for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing.

Giorgio Vasari

Early life[edit] Vasari was born in Arezzo, Tuscany.[1] Recommended at an early age by his cousin Luca Signorelli, he became a pupil of Guglielmo da Marsiglia, a skillful painter of stained glass. Sent to Florence at the age of sixteen by Cardinal Silvio Passerini, he joined the circle of Andrea del Sarto and his pupils Rosso Fiorentino and Jacopo Pontormo where his humanist education was encouraged. He was befriended by Michelangelo whose painting style would influence his own. Painting[edit] The great museum of Florence's Dome - Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore - Florence. Флорентийский баптистерий. Координаты: 43°46′24″ с. ш. 11°15′17″ в. д. / 43.773224° с. ш. 11.254602° в. д. / 43.773224; 11.254602 (G) (O) (Я) Об одноимённом баптистерии в Пизе см.

Флорентийский баптистерий

Баптистерий в Пизе Баптистерий Сан-Джованни (итал. Battistero di San Giovanni) — средневековый (романского стиля) баптистерий на Пьяцца дель Дуомо и Пьяцца ди Сан-Джованни, рядом с собором Санта-Мария-дель-Фьоре и колокольней Джотто во Флоренции, одно из самых старых зданий города. Как и большинство баптистериев, освящён в честь Иоанна Крестителя. Первый баптистерий был построен во Флоренции не позднее V века. Мозаика (фрагмент)Мозаика (фрагмент)Мозаика (фрагмент) Наиболее древними являются южные двери (ворота), созданные Андреа Пизано. Координаты: Санта-Мария-дель-Фьоре. Живописный склад monpansie - Лоренцо Гиберти (Lorenzo Ghiberti)

Лоренцо Гиберти (Lorenzo Ghiberti) (ок. 1378—1455) — итальянский скульптор, ювелир, историк искусства.

Живописный склад monpansie - Лоренцо Гиберти (Lorenzo Ghiberti)

Яркий представитель Раннего Возрождения и один из величайших мастеров рельефа. Его отец был сыном нотариуса, мать — крестьянкой. Художественное образование молодой Лоренцо получил в ювелирной мастерской своего отчима, златокузнеца Бартоло ди Микеле (возможно, Бартоло был настоящим отцом Гиберти, сам художник оставил об этом противоречивые сведения) Лоренцо усвоил у Бартоло навыки ювелирного дела, обучился также и живописи (однако ни ювелирные, ни живописные его произведения до нашего времени не дошли). В 1400г. Лоренцо Гиберти отправился в Пезаро, где писал фрески при дворе правителя, но быстро вернулся во Флоренцию, узнав про объявленный конкурс на создание бронзовых дверей для баптистерия флорентийского собора.