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Startups Archives - Tech in Asia. Tampon - an open source Buffer app. App Center. Clueful App. 10 WordPress Plugins We Couldn’t Live Without - SEO Outsourcing Company. August 24, 2012 Gareth Hoyle So, we have just finished launching our latest WordPress site and wanted to share some of the plugins we have used and could not live without! As a design and marketing agency we develop a large number of WordPress websites. As well as being one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress can also be used as a Content Management System and it can be used to help quickly and easily develop search engine friendly, user friendly websites.

Here are 10 WordPress plugins we have used and use on most site builds - WordPress SEO – Yoast - WordPress SEO enables us to further extend the search optimisation capabilities of a WordPress installation. Akismet - Akismet is included as standard with every WordPress installation and it is, quite simply, the best plugin around for managing the deluge of spam that your blog or website will receive. YC-Backed Grid Reinvents The Spreadsheet For The Tablet Age. Popular wisdom has it that tablets are great for consuming content but aren’t that useful for creating it. Don’t tell that to Josh Leong, though. His Y Combinator-backed startup, Grid, is based around the idea that a tablet should be a great place for spreadsheets. Indeed, as Leong told me earlier this week, his idea is to reinvent the spreadsheet around touch, all the tools and sensors available on mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad, and the way normal people (as opposed to Excel power users) actually use them.

Grid is launching in beta for iPhone and iPad today and you can sign up for an invite here. There are still some features missing in this beta, but you can already use Grid’s collaboration tools and get a feel for its ingenious “Maestro” user interface. The fact that Leong, Grid’s CEO and designer, is interested in spreadsheets and knows a lot about how people use them is no coincidence. He was the designer of Microsoft’s upcoming Excel 2013, after all. What Investors (and Some Marketers) Still Don't Understand About Facebook. Here is why Facebook bought Spool. Over the weekend, news reports emerged that Facebook was buying Spool, a mobile-oriented social bookmarking service started by Avichal Garg and Curtis Spencer. At the surface, this seems like yet another acqua-hire but scratch a little deeper and you start to understand Facebook’s motivation in buying this company.

Spool was started in late 2010 and launched an app that essentially allowed you to take web content and access it through an iPhone app. So far, if you are thinking it doesn’t seem any thing special, you are going to be right. At the app level, it was no different than, say, Instapaper or Pocket, two other immensely popular apps that can be used to read web content offline. The app, however hides a technology that is immensely useful for Facebook. Spool had built its own media-distribution network using servers and caching media content in various data centers. By the way, this technology was attractive enough for many suitors – Dropbox, Google and Twitter among them. Chris Gerdes: The future race car -- 150mph, and no driver. Échange : le blog de la communication 2.0 de la plateforme PSST (opinions et tendances 2.0) By jérémy dumont, planneur stratégique: Il y a encore beaucoup de gens qui essaient de comprendre le social et comment en tirer profit, mais l’architecture existe.

Fondateur (ex-PDG) de l’agence de communication Vanksen, expert reconnu dans le marketing digital et les media sociaux et désormais fondateur du Hub Institute, Emmanuel Vivier était l’un des intervenants du congrès DIGITAL PARIS (11 et 12 avril), durant lequel j’ai eu le plaisir de le rencontrer. C’est donc avec un peu de retard que je vous propose de découvrir cet échange riche d’enseignements. Comment optimiser sa présence sur les réseaux sociaux ? Quelles leçons tirer des pratiques de nos confrères sud-américains et asiatiques ? Quel avenir nous réserve le numérique ? Autans de questions que nous aurons le plaisir d’aborder tout au long de cet article. Le plus fameux des réseaux sociaux, Facebook, a dépassé officiellement les 900 millions d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels et 526 millions d’utilisateurs actifs quotidiens.

Indéniablement, c’est de l’organisation des agences de communication que vient le problème. Facebook atteint une taille importante, toutefois rien n’est joué. Top 10 Best WordPress Facebook Plugins For Your WP Blog. Devenir un blogueur influent. Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page.

Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page.

Voici la playlist des vidéos qui vous permettront de mieux connaitre ce qu'est un blogueur influent (un influenceur), et surtout comme le devenir. Une vraie formation gratuite en vidéo sur comment devenir un blogueur influenceur par Xavier de Priximmo. About Jérôme HOARAU Pourquoi Entreprendre est un blog dédié à l'entrepreneuriat et à l'esprit entrepreneurial - 50 Top WordPress Themes Released in 2012. WordPress is the fastest growing content management system on the web. While it started out as a blogging-only CMS, WordPress has quickly expanded to work for portfolios, ecommerce shops, business sites and more. As WordPress has grown, so have the number of themes available for it. But with the sheer volume of themes out there, it can be hard to find the right one for your website.

In this post, we’ve sorted the wheat from the chaff and picked the 50 top WordPress themes released in 2012 (or late 2011) that you haven’t seen yet. No matter what you are using WordPress for, you’ll find some themes below that will work for you. Sensational Sensational is a brand new theme that will make your website a true stunner. Splash Splash is a 960-grid based theme with a fluid layout, and responsiveness. Top is a WordPress theme that uses a clean design, with awesome featuers and widgets. TruePixel TruePixel is a fully responsive, widget ready WordPress theme that features a clean design. Rising Alyeska., les tickets conso' Highlight for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G on the iTunes App Store. Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising | blippar.