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"The Power of Like 2" Offers New Insights into How Social Marketing Delivers ROI. Social Map. Livres blancs: Les réseaux sociaux et l'entreprise. Réseaux sociaux d’entreprise : analyse du retour sur investissement Dans ce livre blanc, nous examinons les processus et comportements professionnels susceptibles d’affecter le retour sur investissement d’un réseau social d’entreprise.

Livres blancs: Les réseaux sociaux et l'entreprise

Nous expliquons également comment une entreprise peut mesurer le retour sur investissement ou ROI d’un réseau social d’entreprise au moyen de deux indicateurs, le « retour sur productivité » et le « rendement sur la valeur ». Découvrez comment votre entreprise peut gagner du temps et de l’argent en analysant le ROI d’un réseau social d’entreprise.

Entreprises : lorsque la messagerie électronique ne suffit plus Notre époque est marquée par la messagerie instantanée et le partage social. Découvrez comment la nouvelle génération des logiciels de réseau social d’entreprise a remplacé l’e-mail et bouleversé nos méthodes de travail. Entreprise 2.0 : comprendre les nouveaux modes de travail social Entreprise 2.0 est une réalité. Les réseaux sociaux : moteurs de croissance en entreprise ? Conference Jeremy Benmoussa - Gagner Plus avec Facebook. Video apps see growth from Open Graph integration. Facebook today shared stats that show how Open Graph integration has increased traffic, sign-ups and activity among video applications like Vevo, Viddy, Izlesene and Dailymotion.

Video apps see growth from Open Graph integration

These apps mostly live off-Facebook, but the addition of automatic publishing to Ticker, Timeline and News Feed has provided new opportunities for users to discover them. The social network continues to push the idea that Open Graph is not about bringing the entire web onto Facebook, but integrating Facebook into other sites and mobile devices and letting more companies reap the benefits. Music video platform Vevo had early success with its Timeline app, but growth has accelerated significantly since Vevo switched to Facebook-only login in March. Here are some key stats from Facebook: According to our AppData tracking service, Vevo had 170,000 monthly active users on Jan. 1.

Viddy is a mobile application best explained as “Instagram for videos.” Viddy shared the following additional statistics with us: iOS, iPhone, and iPad application leaderboards, charts, and metrics. The Great Divide: The Perception Gap Between Social Marketers and Customers. Where businesses currently are in the development and execution of social media strategies, and where they need to be, are two very different things.

The Great Divide: The Perception Gap Between Social Marketers and Customers

Social media is not solely a function of marketing or customer service. Social media is an extension of every aspect of a business to improve how it connects to employees and customers and how it evolves processes, products, and services over time. But a gap exists between what employees and customers want in social networks and how businesses engage today. And that gap places businesses at risk of losing customer attention or missing precious opportunities that help companies learn, earn awareness and relevance, and most importantly, nurture meaningful relationships. By not understanding the social gap, companies are only perpetuating the great divide.

In the winter of 2011, Pivot Conference [Disclaimer: I curate and host the event.] conducted a series of research studies to capture the state of social media and customer engagement. Vanpattenmedia/easy-opengraph.

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