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Sentence-Phrase-Word: Capturing the essence of a text. In this post I will describe the Sentence-Phrase-Word thinking routine.

Sentence-Phrase-Word: Capturing the essence of a text

It is a routine that helps learners engage meaningfully with a text with a focus on capturing “what speaks to them”. It also calls for them to justify their choices which makes it a useful springboard into a speaking activity. Step 1 After reading a text ask students to identify: a sentence that was important, meaningful to thema phrase that moved thema word that struck them as powerful Students can work individually, in pairs or in groups. Step 2Students can present and share their selections of sentences/phrases/words. Step 3 After sharing invite students to reflect on the discussion. Step 4 If possible, post all answers in the classroom and provide some time for students to think again on their classmates’ sentences/phrases/words.

Classroom experienceI have tried this routine on two occasions so far. The second time was with Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree while working on the topic of deforestation. Thinglink in the classroom. Class Games For Secondary Students - Fun Class GamesFun Class Games. Sometimes High School classes can be mundane and boring.

Class Games For Secondary Students - Fun Class GamesFun Class Games

However, if you play these games in class either at the start of class as a warm up or at the end of class as a reward, it will sure motivate your students one way or another. Here is a list of the best games to play in a high school classroom. Greedy Pig. Free Printable of the Week: Interview a Classmate. Last week, I posted a free printable to give your class at the start of school to help them get to know you (the teacher).

Free Printable of the Week: Interview a Classmate

This week's printable will help you in the equally important task of helping your students get to know each other! There are tons of ways to do this, but if you're swamped and don't have the time to plan an elaborate activity, use this! The Most Important Thing I've Learned from Teaching. 5 Quick Tips for Secondary Classroom Management That Actually (I Promise You!) Work. This fall I will begin my sixth year of teaching, which is still weird to see written down because it seems like just yesterday I was struggling through my first.

5 Quick Tips for Secondary Classroom Management That Actually (I Promise You!) Work

(And second. And probably third, too, for good measure.) My First Day of School Questionnaire. Is it just me, or is there something about this school year that makes this back-to-school season particularly exhausting?

My First Day of School Questionnaire

I'm so tired and slept so hard last night that I woke up and thought my nightstand was a Viking and threw a pillow at it. Anyway, school starts this week for me, so yesterday I found myself needing to make a first day of school questionnaire. You know, something to keep the kids busy on those first few minutes while you're out in the hall wrangling lost 6th graders and unworking lockers. Lättläst realia. Kulturbuss_resmalslista_kommunordning_2015.pdf. Connor dog av en enda dos Spice – nu sprids hans bild för att varna ungdomar. Kamratbedömning förbättrar skrivande i engelska. Hennes licentiatsavhandling Learning from giving feedback: Insights from EFL writing classrooms in a Swedish lower secondary school baseras på observationer och insamling av elevtexter från två klasser i årskurs 8.

Kamratbedömning förbättrar skrivande i engelska

De arbetade i ett tre veckor långt arbetsområde med att lära sig att skriva svarsbrev på engelska. 9 Fun Bonus Questions for Secondary Final Exams. Whether you want to attach actual credit to these questions is your call, but here are nine goofy bonus questions to make your students smile, relax, and be even more certain of your insanity at the end of their final exam.

9 Fun Bonus Questions for Secondary Final Exams

Bonus question #1: When is Ms. Smith's birthday? A) October 13th b) February 7th c) July 54th d) Ms. Smith has no birthday because she is an alien. Webbstjärnans kursportal. Stipendier - Lärarnas Riksförbund. Helge-priset Inom skolan finns massor av kompetens, erfarenhet, idéer och uppslag som behöver uppmuntras och visas upp.

Stipendier - Lärarnas Riksförbund

Alice Tegnér - sångstipendium - Lärarstiftelsen. Lärare kan söka stipendier för utveckling av undervisningen i sång ur Alice Tegnérs fond.

Alice Tegnér - sångstipendium - Lärarstiftelsen

Fonden grundades av medel, insamlade som minnesgåva till Alice Tegnérs 75 årsdag. Den överlämnades till centralstyrelsen för Sveriges allmänna folkskollärarförening 194o. Alice Tegnér anförde vid överlämnandet att donationen främst borde avses att främja de yngre barnens sångutbildning. Innovationer för lärande - Lärarstiftelsen. Läxhjälp och undervisning online. Relationer, ramar & respekt - så skapar läraren studiero i klassrummet - Lärarförlaget. OneNote for Teachers - Interactive Guides. 13 Strategies to Improve Student Classroom Discussions.

Samantha Cleaver Leo Tolstoy's The Two Brothers tells the story of two brothers who are offered the opportunity to find happiness.

13 Strategies to Improve Student Classroom Discussions

One chooses to go on a journey and finds happiness—as well as difficulties—along the way, while the other stays at home and leads a happy but uneventful life. When Jasmine Williams' fifth-grade students at Carter School of Excellence in Chicago read The Two Brothers, they discussed this question: Which brother made the better choice? Williams' students sat in a circle, holding their books and graphic organizers filled with notes.

"I believe the older brother made the best decision," said one student, "because in the text, the author said that he weighed all the negative possibilities and risks first. " Citing textual evidence is about more than rattling off quotes from the story. Discussion is a perfect place to develop students' ability to use textual evidence. Choose texts that inspire debate.