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Nicolas BLONDEL sur Twitter : "Twitters 100 Most Followed Celebrities #celebrities #famous #socialmedia #cm. Welcome to Forbes. Offre-CDI-CM. Open sourcing Twitter emoji for everyone. Franck Confino sur Twitter : "#aixmaville, bonne pratique de promotion d'un dispositif #SocialMedia en ville ! #compublique... Nicolas BLONDEL sur Twitter : "Les 3 services #Twitter innovants de la rentrée !!! #cm #socialmedia... Les 3 services Twitter innovants de la rentrée. Formidable outil de relation client et de diffusion de contenu court et percutant de qualité, Twitter fait l’objet de nombreuses innovations depuis son lancement. Et encore plus depuis que les annonceurs saisissent toujours mieux les possibilités offertes par l’instantané du réseau social à l’oiseau bleu.

Zoom sur 3 services innovants développés par nos équipes dans des domaines différents : du sport au retail. 1. Add-To-Basket Et si le e-commerce trouvait un moyen de prendre possession de Twitter en apportant une expérience réellement pratique et utile pour l’utilisateur ? C’est le pari de la fonctionnalité Add-To-Basket qui vous permet d’ajouter un produit au panier directement depuis un tweet contenant une fiche produit. Expérimenté en premier par La Redoute pour la France depuis début septembre, la possibilité d’acheter depuis Twitter séduit. Utile, malin, et pratique, l’expérience sera certainement encore plus poussée dans les prochaines semaines. 2. 3. #TweetAndToast. #socialmediacancres. Qu’est-ce que l’opération #socialmediacancres?

Suivant Voici la question du moment. Participez en y répondant avec la réponse la plus drôle / mauvaise ! Validez votre participation en suivant @KRDSParis. Voici le classement général des cancres. C’est parti ! LLLLITL : Le kit #SocialMediaCancres... KRDSParis : Le jeu #socialmediacancres,... #socialmediacancres. [E-publicité] Les infos à ne pas rater: Social Moov bouge à Tel-Aviv, Mobvalue signe avec Atlantico, du mouvement chez HiMedia... Hello 2014! Happy New Year!

88% Of Brands Will Use Social Media Marketing In 2014 [STUDY] Social Media Manager | eSynergy Solutions : Carve Consulting. Posted by carve on Friday, November 30, 2012 You’re the expert on anything social. As a social business consultancy we work with some of the most exciting businesses in various industries. One of our clients, eSynergy Solutions, is looking for a Social Media Manager to join the team.

This is a key tactical role working closely alongside Carve Consulting for a highly successful, rapidly growing IT recruitment business based in the City of London. The ideal candidate is someone who is passionate about anything social. Whether it’s Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or blogs, you’re in touch with the platforms and the people that matter. Contributing to blogs, and having an opinion that people want to hear is what our client needs; challenging perceptions and driving more traffic and engagement through their social channels is a key driver for their business in 2013.

Always learning Training is a key to how people grow. More tempting Rewards. Facebook is a lower quality medium than TV, says marketing academic. Speaking at an event held by TV marketing body Thinkbox on Friday (23 March), Sharp said to grow, brands needed to reach people who didn't buy their category very often. However, Facebook fans "skew massively to the heaviest buyers, the people who are the easiest to reach". Sharp said: "They see you more often, they notice everything you're doing.

You should pay less to reach those people. TV reaches your normal category buying base, but earned media skews to your heaviest buyers. It therefore, is a lower quality media. " The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is part of the School of Marketing at the University of South Australia and has one of the largest numbers of marketing scientists in the world. Sharp said earned media such as Facebook was "very sexy at the moment" but it skewed towards heavy buyers of a product, while marketing tactics that skewed towards light buyers were of "great strategic value". Sharp said: "Who is [the] typical buyer? "It reminds us why Coke advertises. Pinterest to Release New Profile Pages This Week.

Pinterest is planning to release redesigned profiles this week, according to CEO and co-founder Ben Silbermann. "I'm so excited about it," said Silbermann (pictured, left), who spoke at the South By Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, on Tuesday. "We wanted to make it more beautiful ... to make your profile different in kind than the profile you have on Facebook. " Silbermann emphasized new discoverability features in the redesign, saying he and his team wanted to make it easier for users to stumble upon other like-minded users, and highlight the people their connections are repinning images from. He also said the team is working on expanding the number of things users can pin, including video. Soon, people will be able to pin from Vimeo, Hulu and Netflix, among others. And, as was revealed earlier this week, an iPad app — as well as a public API — are also in the works. He also talked about the site's original design.

SEE ALSO: What People Are Pinning on Pinterest. How to get a job at Facebook. By Miguel Helft and Jessi Hempel FORTUNE -- For engineers hoping to land a job at Facebook, here's the good news: Facebook is not Google. You don't need a computer science degree from Stanford or Carnegie Mellon. You don't need a Ph.D. You don't need a quasi-perfect GPA, and you may not have to chase copies of your SAT transcript. After all, Facebook was started by a college dropout with a passion for hacking, not by a pair of doctoral students working on the seemingly intractable problem of finding relevance in a sea of Web pages. Now here is the bad news: none of that means joining Facebook's engineering ranks is easy. As the company has grown, and Mark Zuckerberg has moved from coder to curator, he has needed a never-ending supply of engineers who are not only smart programmers but also embrace Facebook's hacker ethos.

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Facebook Unlike Google (GOOG), where CEO Larry Page still reviews every offer, Zuckerberg is not typically involved in approving most hires.

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8 Strategies for Launching a Brand Presence on Pinterest. Charles Nicholls is an expert in ecommerce, web analytics, social media marketing and online buyer behavior. He is also founder and chief strategy officer at shopping cart recovery company SeeWhy. You can follow Charles on Twitter @webconversion and read his blog. Many marketers have heard of Pinterest, but despite this, most brands have yet to hop on the hottest new social network.

In this article, we'll look at why Pinterest is important to brands and provide seven simple steps for leveraging brand presence on Pinterest. Pinterest has quickly become one of the top five referring traffic sources for several apparel retailers. Despite the powerful numbers, most brands and merchandisers are not present on Pinterest. For those brands looking to develop a Pinterest presence, try these seven simple steps. 1. Just like you would reserve a Twitter handle for your brand, secure a Pinterest user name. 2. Think color, style and brand values. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Spredfast Social CRM | Enterprise Software for Social Media Marketing - Spredfast. The 15 Best Facebook Pages You've Ever Seen.

With more than 1.23 billion users, Facebook is a major player in the world of social networking. Businesses looking to market using Facebook have one major tool at their disposal: the Facebook Page. Facebook Pages were specifically engineered for businesses. They provide a public home on Facebook for a business, and they allow businesses to publish content and receive comments and feedback from fans and customers. Download our free guide to creating an awesome Facebook Business Page of your own here. Facebook Pages are a simple tool, but they allow for many interesting business opportunities. So we combed through the web to find 15 Facebook Pages that you absolutely MUST see. 1) L.L.

Why It's Awesome: This is an example of a Page that focuses on the customer. 2) Intrepid Travel 3) Threadless 4) Nutella Why It's Awesome: How can one hazelnut spread have such an awesome Facebook Page? 5) Zappos 6) National Hockey League Why It's Awesome: The NHL rocks Facebook. 7) Tough Mudder 8) St. 9) Starbucks. Les règles de modération de Facebook révélées. Où se situe la limite entre art et pornographie, entre discours politique et apologie de la violence, entre une plaisanterie et une menace d'attentat ? Pour Facebook, ces questions ont une importance primordiale : le premier réseau social au monde procède en effet à une modération des contenus qui lui sont signalés par ses 800 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde.

Mais des contenus considérés comme choquants ne sont pas forcément illégaux, et la suppression d'un contenu peut être vécue comme une censure. Pour tenter de résoudre cette équation complexe, Facebook s'est doté de conditions d'utilisation, censées établir des règles génériques et claires sur ce que le réseau social tolère ou non. Mais les limites en sont vagues – une unique phrase précise que l'utilisateur s'engage à ne pas publier "de contenus incitant à la haine ou à la violence, menaçants, à caractère pornographique ou contenant de la nudité ou de la violence gratuite".

Sexualité. Drogue. Violence. Damien Leloup. Du Web personnalisé au Web personnel. C'est la nouvelle sensation Internet du moment. Le site Pinterest propose aux internautes de collectionner des images en ligne autour de thématiques (recettes, mode, déco et design, voitures, bricolage...) qui les intéressent.En France comme outre-Atlantique, les médias se passionnent pour ce service qui n'a pas attendu d'avoir leur attention pour séduire des millions d'utilisateurs en deux ans. Il représente une nouvelle génération de services communautaires centrés sur les intérêts des utilisateurs, susceptibles de bousculer quelque peu la domination de Google sur l'accès au Web.

En effet, les réseaux sociaux comme Pinterest, qu'on peut nommer "réseaux d'intérêts", participent d'un besoin croissant de placer des filtres sur la Toile. En somme : L'expérience Web est ainsi encore plus personnalisée. Mais ce n'est qu'un début. Car si elle est de plus en plus personnalisée, l'expérience Web n'est pour autant pas toujours très personnelle. C'est le cas de Path. 1. 2.