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Spanish Picture Dictionary. Online Spanish Tutorial with sound & Drills. Home / Student Help Center / Suggested Order of Study The materials on this website are presented a la carte. Pick and choose the categories and lessons, but read this page for some general guidelines. A Structured Step-by-Step Approach If you want to become conversational, then what you need is Camino del éxito — a complete conversation course that takes you by the hand and leads you down the "Path of success.

" Ours is the only course that is completely integrated with the materials on this website, and it is exactly what you need if you want to speak Spanish conversationally. Pronunciation Section As you begin studying pronunciation, pay particular attention to the vowel sounds. Two other sounds that are problematic for English speakers are the "d" and the "r" – but fortunately the corresponding Spanish sounds are easy for the English speaker to duplicate.

Also important are the lessons on "stress" and "linking. " Grammar Section Verb Drills Use our verb drills as needed. Vocabulary Section. Study Spanish in Argentina. A Business Spanish lesson every day. Comprehension - French,Spanish,Italian,German,English. Spanish Language Exercises.