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Rituals & Routines

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How to Create Rituals and Routines (with Free Printables!) Recently, I asked you guys what topic you would like for me to write about, and "Rituals and Routines" won by a landslide. Apparently this is a pain point for a lot of people. It certainly is for me and I think I've made some progress in rising above it. In this post I'll happily share what I've learned so far. :) One point I want to highlight first is that when I work on getting better at something, the question I ask myself CONSTANTLY through the process is, "How can I make this as simple as possible?

" I want you to remember to ask yourself this question too. Because as Leonardo DaVinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. " So, "Simplify, simplify. simplify! " ok, ok. I'm going to share two (yes, only two) things that I do to make the practice of having a routine as SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE as possible. Remember, true success comes out of making things simple, not complicated. By implementing these techniques, you can expect to: Ok, let's get rolling! Purse - car key is hooked on1 Bed. 5 Steps To An Insanely Productive Morning.

I would consider “morning hours” the first two hours after waking up. The average person will experience approximately 50,000 of these hours in their adult life. Consequently, it would be wise to for us to learn how to effectively use this time. While many of us use this time to ease into our day, I’ve developed the ability to turn these hours into a productivity machine. As entrepreneurs, the goal of productivity is freedom, not achievement. It’s to manage your time so well you are able to spend your remaining hours doing the things you truly love (hobbies, family, friends, etc.).

Furthermore, it’s my belief that our time is our most important asset. You can’t make more of it. On that note, here are my 5 steps to an insanely productive morning 1. 10 Minutes of Critical Preparation Before Bed I get to bed between 10:30-Midnight 7 days per week. 2. 10 Minutes of Stretch Time From the moment I wake up, it’s game time. 3. The #1 item on my list is always a beast. 4. 5. Start Your Dream. 10 Ways to Boost Productivity. Have too many things to do in too little time?

Well, this infographic on how you can boost productivity every day will certainly help. It focuses on to-do lists and making sure you actually complete items on the list. If you aren’t already using to-do lists, you really should be -they are one of the most effective methods of time organization out there and can really help you organize what you need to do and actually track that it gets done. RELATED: 21 Counter-Intuitive Break Ideas to Boost Your Productivity at Work As someone who has a hard time staying productive, I find this chart incredibly useful, especially the part about doing the hardest task first, which I don’t usually do on my to-do lists -although I’m great at knocking off the small tasks and batching things, so at least I’m not starting from the ground up here.

17 Simple Daily Rituals That Make Life Immediately Better. 1. Buying frozen fruits and vegetables. Aside from the fact that, according to studies I don’t understand, frozen fruits and veggies are often healthier, it’s just a way more convenient way to consume them. You don’t have to worry about them spoiling, you can heat them in a variety of ways, and you can use just as much as you need each time. (Not to mention the most convenient smoothies in the world!) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Daily Mood Journaling / Tracking Page | D*I*Y Planner. This template is primarily aimed at those suffering from Bipolar disorder or depression. It is meant to keep track of not only your moods, but also the events and variables surrounding them so that you can target things that trigger your moods so that you may balance them. I really, really hope this can help some folks out. If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please, let me know. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Also, this is my first template, so go easy on the negative comments, please. (Please note, the thumbnail does a terrible job of showing what it looks like!) Thumbnail: Usage advice: You could probably come up with several systems to use with the template, but what I had in mind with it, was this: During the day, mark a dot on on the "Mood Tracking" grid, showing where your mood was at during what part of the day.

Also, keep track of how many hours of sleep you had the night before, what medications you took, what you ate, how long you exercised, and the weather. 8 Glasses/Day - Free Printable Water Trackers. 7 Tips for Getting into a Routine ... AGAIN! - The Love Nerds. There are referral links to Erin Condren in this post. If you sign up for their email newsletter through my link, you will receive a $10 off code to your email. I will also receive a $10 off code! Need help getting organized again with summer ending? Here are 7 Tips for Getting into a Routine! My life is generally ruled by organization, schedules, and plans. When I was teaching, my routine was easy to identify. Because of this, working from home was a huge adjustment. This summer, my whole routine sort of disappeared. Now it is time to get back into a strong routine and get back into productive mode. Here are my tips for getting into a strong routine – maybe again! 1. 2. 3. For me, I have a list of blog responsibilities (post work, setting up social media, adding to support threads, etc) and VA (virtual assistant) responsibilities that I get done before lunch. 4. 5, Allow extra time so you can be flexible. 6. 7.

If you find these tips helpful, you might also enjoy these Organization Tips. 6 Productive Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do – Wonder Forest. It happens. You have a day off or some spare time and can’t think of a single thing to do. Sometimes I’ll think to myself “hmm, what can I do today?” And can’t come up with anything.

I’m one of those people who strives to be productive, so when I can’t think of anything to do, I get a little bummed out thinking that I wasted a day. Whether you’re just bored and looking for something to do or if you’re like me and want to stay productive, here are some things you can do with your downtime to benefit yourself: Organize something There is always something that needs to be organized that you’ve put off for too long. Schedule your month Grab a planner and start marking things down. Write down your weekly goals With your notebook in hand, try to come up with a couple of realistic goals that you want to reach each week.

See also: How to Successfully Set and Achieve Goals Clean out your stuff As the seasons change, so can the things you’ve accumulated. See also: 5 Ways To Make Some Extra Cash. Untitled. Productivity Habits to Streamline Your Life - Embracing Simple. Lately I’ve been on a mission to streamline my life as much as possible. I just feel so much more peaceful and in control when I’m not running around in a million different directions like a chicken with my head cut off. I’ve discovered some productivity habits that really help me to streamline my time and my life in general. I find that by cutting out a lot of the unnecessary, or decreasing how much time I need to spend on my to-dos, I’m left with a lot more time and energy to devote to what I truly love and enjoy doing. Some of the benefits of a streamlined life include: Having the time to spend on activities that you enjoyThe ability to bring yourself closer to reaching your ultimate goalsUsing your time more efficiently and being more productive as a resultFeeling more at ease and in control of the direction your life is headed Simplify your possessions Physical clutter almost always turns into mental clutter.

Make lists for everything as you go For example, your grocery list. Automate. 25 Things I Use Every Day to be Hyper Productive - Skill Collector. I knew this year would be a challenge. The biggest things in my life in 2015/2016 are: A fulltime Master’s degree (est spend 50hr/week incl classes)A job teaching in a different city (est spend 36h/week incl travel)A long distance relationship (est spend as much as possible) My average ‘busy’ time is about 80 hours per week since the travel time to work often includes some class prep. Note also that the above doesn’t include side projects like this blog, learning new programming skills etc. This is the recap of how I’m still alive and mostly smiling. This article uses expanding headings. Click me to expand me! Well doneClick the title again to collapse it DIY Getting started The things below can seem overwhelming. Habits Structure is life Source, wikipedia.

If you have time to spare, you can afford some irregularity. My day has very clear structure: Let's take Monday as an example: Fasting is fuel, and so is food I don't eat for a long time because: When I do not eat, I drink: When I do eat, I eat: 6 Stress-Reducing Rituals Successful People Live By. Take a deep breath. Nothing is as hectic as it seems. Nothing is worth weakening your health.

Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety and despair. The mind can go either direction under stress – toward the positive or toward the negative: on or off. Think of it as a binary spectrum, where the opposite ends are unconsciousness at the negative end and presence at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is strongly influenced by emotional strength and training. Over the years, Marc and I have come across, studied and tested dozens of strategies that successful people employ when faced with stress, but in today’s video blog we want to tell you about six of the most effective strategies we’ve seen in action.

Video Blog Post: Stress-Reducing Rituals (video transcript overview): Reminder: Have you checked out our book? The ability to manage stress when you’re under pressure directly affects your overall performance in all walks of life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Things Happy, Healthy People Do Every Morning. When you get up in the morning, think of what a priceless privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to learn, to love – and then make the day count! The morning is extremely important. It is the foundation from which the day is built. How you choose to spend your morning can be used to predict what kind of day you are going to have, and thus, what kind of life you are going to live. Each morning truly is a brand new opportunity. Each day is another chance to get it right. The happiest, healthiest people I know embrace this truth and use it to their advantage. 1.

In other words, they start the day with love in their hearts and minds, and are truly appreciative of their life and all of its priceless idiosyncrasies. From the research and coaching Angel and I have done over the years, we’ve found that the more a person is inclined to gratitude, the less likely he or she is to be depressed, anxious, lonely, envious, or neurotic. 2. Inhabit your morning completely. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This 10 Minute Morning Routine Will Transform Your Day. A morning routine is a powerful way to set the tone for the kind of day you want to have. This year – I started waking up early an hour early, on purpose – and it’s absolutely changed my life. If you feel stressed in the mornings, in a rush, not taking care of yourself. If you are groggy and low on energy – this 10 minute routine will revitalise you and transform the way you feel.

I’m always looking for new ideas – so I reached out to Liv, a successful yogi and founder of Stretch City, to share tips on how to activate our body and mind. I said to her: “Liv, for people who are ready to start feeling better, who want more energy, who want to wake up feeling excited about the day – what kind of yoga stretches do you recommend?” Liv invited me to her home and showed me a simple morning routine that you can do from bed, before you even get up! Click through the gallery below for the step-by-step guide to feeling great… Set the alarm 10 minutes early tomorrow! Top 7 Successful Weekend Habits [INFOGRAPHIC] Success is subjective and to each their own, but if you’re looking for ways to make your weekend more productive, we created this infographic just for you!

The advice comes from Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, in a Forbes article and CNBC post. The basic idea is that if you incorporate the following in your weekend, you’ll be ready to tackle the coming work week with confidence and rejuvenation. “Successful people know that weekends are actually the secret weapon in professional success,” Vanderkam told Forbes. We've summarized some of her points in this infographic. Check it out! Also, special thanks to Anna Vital's design for inspiring this infographic! CareerBliss cares about your career happiness. Miracle Morning.The Perfect College Morning.

What is the Miracle Morning? If you follow me on Twitter, you know I’ve been talking about The Miracle Morning. What exactly is “The Miracle Morning”? A game changer, let me tell you. The Miracle Morning is a daily six minute-one hour daily routine (usually in the morning an hour before you would usually wake up, but The Miracle Morning can take place any time during the day that you set aside for it) designed by Hal Elrod in his book “The Miracle Morning.”

It’s 6 steps can be as long as you want (there’s a 6 minute version for you ultra busy people). These 6 steps have changed millions of lives of those that have implemented them- small business owners who are now millionaires, many in tragic accidents who have made full recoveries when they were never expected to live a full and normal life again, etc. How do I live my Miracle Morning? But the above isn’t completely what we’re going to focus on today. I start my morning at 6 am. The Miracle Morning has 6 steps in its routine. Social- Top 25 Peppermint Oil Uses and Benefits. Pleasantly suitable for an abundance of oral and topical uses and antimicrobial properties, peppermint may be the most versatile essential oil in the world along with lavender. Literally, there are few body, health, and mind issues that it cannot help. Peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation and has a calming effect on the body, which can relieve sore muscles when used topically.

It also has antimicrobial properties so it can help freshen bad breath and soothe digestive issues. Peppermint is a hybrid species of spearmint and water mint (Mentha aquatica). The essential oils are gathered by steam distillation of the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. Clinically speaking, peppermint oil is recommended for its anti-nausea benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon because of its ability to reduce muscle spasms. Peppermint Oil Benefits Some of the most common peppermint oil uses include: Ready to start harnessing the health benefits of peppermint? 1. 2. 3. My Morning Routine - And Why You Need One Too | Boho Berry. Six things to do before you go to bed which will make the next morning easier.... - The Diary of a Frugal Family.

How to Organize Your Time Better in the New Year. Useful Tips. Thyme is Honey. 26 Ridiculously Easy Life Changes You Can Make Today. 5 Secrets Morning People Swear By | Byrdie UK. Morning Routine: A Great Start to your Day. How to Make Early Mornings Suck Less. My Morning Routine - And Why You Need One Too | Boho Berry. 18 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump and Be Productive - the frugal millionaire. 17 Simple Daily Rituals That Make Life Immediately Better. 22 Quick Habits to Add to Your Daily Morning Routine. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10 AM. Morning Routine: A Great Start to your Day. 9 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 9 A.M. 9 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 9 A.M. 5-Minute Morning Routine. 27 Things To Do Before Bed That Don't Involve Watching Netflix.