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5 Best Eclipse Plugins: #1 (Eclox with Doxygen, Graphviz and Mscgen) The #1 award in my list goes to Eclox+Doxygen+Graphviz+Mscgen. Yes, it is a single Eclipse plugin (Eclox) for Doxygen, and with two other powerful tools. It solves a typical engineering problem: “How to document my project? And how to keep it up-to-date?”. Like many other engineers, I do not like to write documentation.

Because it is painful. I want to write code and program. Writing documentation for it should be fun too. In a traditional way the following flow is used: Create a design, specify and document the APIImplement the softwareWrite the user documentationShip itMaintain and ship; and again, and again, and … The problem starts with the fact, that rarely the implementation matches the initial design.

It is already hard to write good documented code, and writing good source comments is an art on its own. Doxygen is a compiler which generates documentation out of source files. Installation Here are the links to download the needed tools: Doxygen. Eclipse 4 CSS Styling. Eclipse 4 CSS Styling- Tutorial Based on Eclipse 4.2 and Eclipse 4.3 Copyright © 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 Lars Vogel Eclipse 4 and CSS Styling This tutorial gives an introduction into the CSS styling capabilities of Eclipse 4. 1.

Eclipse and declarative styling 1.1. The visual appearance of your Eclipse application can be styled via external files similar to the CSS 2.1 standard. CSS selectors used in Eclipse are identifiers, which relate to widgets or other elements, for example predefined pseudo classes. The following example shows a CSS file which defines a styling for an Eclipse application. The Eclipse platform support static as well as dynamic styling of an application. SWT as the default user interface toolkit of Eclipse has certain limitations with regards of styling components, which are based on the limitations of the underlying operating system. 2.

The value of the applicationCSS property should point to your CSS file via an URI. The corresponding file is shown below. 3. 6. Eclipse CDT 5.0 generator for Waf. Build - Eclipse CDT + SCons. Bitbucket + Eclipse. Инструкция по настройке с нуля системы контроля версий. Репозиторий уже настроен, но пока в него не добавлено ни одного проекта. Для этого, сначала нужно вернуться на перспективу по-умолчанию, чтобы было доступно дерево проектов. В моем случае это Java, и, в контекстном меню проект выбрать Team — Share project: Bitbucket + Eclipse. Инструкция по настройке с нуля системы контроля версий В открывшемся окне требуется выбрать Git: После выбора типа репозитория, необходимо выбрать его название. Если всё было сделано правильно, то в названии проекта появится имя репозитория и ветка, в которой он находится: Остался последний штрих — сделать первый коммит, т. е. сохранить проект и все изменения на нем в репозиторий. В окне коммита можно и даже нужно внести краткое описание того, что было сделано.

Система предложит на выбор репозиторий, в который нужно загрузить проект. В следующем окне нужно соотнести локальную и удаленную ветку репозитория, которые будут загружены на сервер Bitbucket: PDE Does Plug-ins. Copyright © 2003 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved Summary The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) provides a set of tools that assist the developer in every stage of plug-in development from genesis to deployment.

This article chronicles the creation, development, testing, building, and deployment of a simple "Hello World" plug-in using a subset of these tools. By Wassim Melhem and Dejan Glozic, IBM Canada Ltd. September 8, 2003 Why PDE? A plug-in is the fundamental building block of the Eclipse platform. Writing an Eclipse plug-in is straight forward, but not exactly trivial. The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) is a set of tools designed to assist the Eclipse developer in developing, testing, debugging, building, and deploying Eclipse plug-ins while working inside the Eclipse workbench. This article showcases a subset of PDE tools that are available in Eclipse 2.1 by chronicling the journey of one plug-in from genesis to deployment. Dependencies.