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Rebooting the WebOfTrust

Europe. VIP. uPort gestion d'identité par la blockchain | Ethereum France. Après avoir présenté son avancement à la DEVCon2, uPort a gagné le prix de la meilleure application blockchain à l’International Blockchain Week. C’est l’occasion de détailler un peu plus le fonctionnement de ce qui pourrait bien devenir une interface privilégiée pour se servir des applications décentralisées sur Ethereum. photographie par les organisateur de l’événement L’identité numérique , des contrôles contraignants qui ont amené la centralisation Dans un article précédent, j’avais rappelé le modèle actuel de gestion de l’identité numérique, avec ses jetons d’identification donnés par différents fournisseurs en silo. Cette situation empêche toute approche holiste et détériore l’expérience utilisateur par la répétition des demandes de login et mot de passe. La sécurité pâtit doublement de ces répétitions. La gestion des clés privées, un problème inhérent à la Blockchain La responsabilité de la clé privée peut être difficile à gérer pour monsieur tout-le-monde.

Sur le même thème. IDCHECK.IO. UnifyID wants to bury the password once and for all | TechCrunch. The old-fashioned password gets little respect from hackers these days. In fact, it’s barely a speed bump for them to get past. The hacker can find your password or even the answers to your “security” questions for sale on the internet black market. UnifyID, a participant in this year’s TechCrunch Disrupt SF Battlefield competition, sees a system that’s hopelessly broken — and they think they have a way to fix it. The trouble with today’s approach, says co-founder Kurt Somerville, is that it uses a system of secrets and you reveal the secret to get into the program or service. With UnifyID, instead of supplying a password, the system begins to build an understanding about who you are, the devices you use, the places you go, the sensors you interact with throughout a day, even the way you walk and the cadence of your typing.

This technology is designed to know it’s you because you’re unique and you have different ways of behaving that make you, you. A new Identity Model [with Prototype] – composui – Medium. The Internet consists of a complex, integrated ecosystem of hierarchical layers and technologies that enable the network to function in a unique way, and allow for frictionless data transmission between two parties.

Only because of this layered structure and breaking down big problems into smaller sub-problems the Internet was able to overcome technological challenges. Each layer has their own focus and interest groups that focus exclusively on creating the best solution for the layers respective problems. A quick overview of the Internet’s layer (from bottom to top): Link Layer: Offers the physical connection between nodes in the networkIP Layer: For identification of nodes in the network and allowing data to be routed from source to destinationTCP Layer: Establishes and maintains the communication (and thus, data transmission) between nodesApplications Layer: Specifies the protocols and interfacing methods with which the nodes can communicate with each other Identity Storage.

Breaking Down Blockchain- Identity & Security by BreakingBank$- Fintech. What we learned from designing an academic certificates system on the blockchain – MIT MEDIA LAB – Medium. Over the past year, we have been working on a set of tools to issue, display, and verify digital credentials using the Bitcoin blockchain and the open badges specification. Today we are releasing version 1 of our code under the MIT open-source license to make it easier for others to start experimenting with similar ideas. In addition to opening up the code, we also want to share some of our thinking behind the design, as well as some of the interesting questions about managing digital reputations that we plan to continue working on. You can find links to our source code, documentation, and discussion on our project homepage: The overall design of the certification architecture is fairly simple. Working on this project, we have not only learned a lot about the blockchain, but also about the way that technology can shape socioeconomic practices around the concept of credentials.

Issuer, Viewer, Schema The Importance of Digital Credentials (Beyond the) Hype. Bitcoin, existentialisme (et rock’n’roll ?) Depuis ce matin, l’Internet Numérique™ est le théâtre d’une comédie technico-dramatique dont il la le secret. À quel sujet ? Bitcoin, what else ? Dramatis Personae En effet, la BBC, The Economist et le magazine GQ nous apprenaient, de concert et à l’heure où blanchit la campagne, que l’identité de Satoshi Nakamoto, le mystérieux créateur de Bitcoin, avait (encore) été révélée. Malgré quelques réserves de la BBC (timides) et de The Economist (un peu plus appuyées), les différents articles présentent l’information comme plutôt crédible, sinon probable. L’enfer, c’est les autres Pour que tout un chacun puisse vérifier la véracité de ses allégations, Wright s’est aimablement fendu d’un billet de blog. Pour rappel, une signature cryptographique s’appuie sur deux clés liées mathématiquement l’une à l’autre.

La démonstration de Wright est la suivante. Dans le billet, Wright fournit la clé publique, qui correspond bien à l’adresse Bitcoin. Paroles, paroles Nous verrons bien. Postulat n°2 : la maîtrise des identités conditionne notre rapport moral aux libertés. Nous venons de voir que les problématiques liées à l’identité sur Internet sont faites de paradoxes. L’exercice des libertés sur Internet ne déroge pas à une certaine forme de complexité principalement liée à la gestion de ses identités. La liberté d’expression est probablement celle qui vient à l’esprit de tout internaute si on lui demande ce qu’Internet lui inspire.

Ce fut le cas en France jusqu’à une certaine époque que nous vous laisserons ici le loisir d’apprécier. Mais la donne a changé. Le parcours chaotique du rapport de l’homme public à Internet, ponctué d’une succession de lois anti-terroristes et pour le bien de l’exception culturelle française, couplé à un accroissement plus que significatif des aborigènes du Net ont conduit à une surveillance accrue des réseaux de communication. Personne n’aime se sentir surveillé, il est donc logique et naturel de vouloir échapper à la surveillance. La première entrave à la liberté d’expression et de la presse c’est l’identité Mais… Non. Identité(s), postulat n°1 : Internet n’a pas changé notre rapport à l’identité. Internet n’a pas changé notre rapport à l’identité, il l’a enrichi de nouvelles contraintes et de nouvelles pratiques.

La première définition de l’identité que nous retiendrons est l’une des cinq définitions données par le Larousse Caractère de deux êtres ou choses qui ne sont que deux aspects divers d’une réalité unique, qui ne constituent qu’un seul et même être. Sur Internet, l’identité n’est pas ce qui nous caractérise mais ce qui permet d’être reconnu, que ce soit par d’autres personnes ou par des machines (par une administration, par une boutique en ligne, par votre banque en ligne…) .

Nous adopterons ici le raccourcis de « systèmes » pour définir ces différentes entités. L’identification c’est la défiance, l’identité, c’est la confiance Plus un système est proche de l’humain, moins le besoin d’éléments d’identification est nécessaire pour que le système nous reconnaisse. Plus un système est distant de l’homme, plus son besoin de données d’identification est important. Aeternam. The Bitcoin Group #94 - Still Not Satoshi, Chain Anchored, DelawareChain & The Halvening. Peter Todd Exposes MIT ChainAnchor Project That Enables Tracking Bitcoin User’s Identity. In a surprising development on Wednesday, Bitcoin developer Peter Todd released information around MIT’s ChainAnchor project. ChainAnchor supposedly involves enticing miners with additional compensation to ensure that only transactions from a list of identified and registered users are included in blocks. The news comes at a time of accelerating initiatives to adopt facets of Bitcoin’s Blockchain technology into traditional banking and trading of other digital assets or securities.

Also Read: FBI Used Invalid Warrant To Infect Tor Website With Malware The uses all fall under AML or KYC regulations that ChainAnchor would help with. ChainAnchor to Expose Users See: White Paper for ChainAnchor here. Mr. At first, the ChainAnchor would require registration of public keys under a system that verifies one’s government given identity, though this would initially be opted into. Those in oversight of such a system would recreate many of the problems inherent in centralized trust models. Mr. ID2020. Let's Talk Bitcoin! #293 Ask The Questions, Solve The Problems. Let's Talk Bitcoin! #293 Ask The Questions, Solve The Problems. COM%3A2012%3A0238%3AFIN%3AFR%3ATXT. FranceConnect. Draft legislation allows to open a bank account without going to a bank branch | Ministry of the Interior.

BITNATION World Citizenship ID v. 0.2 - BITNATION. EB110 – James D’Angelo: Satoshi's Big Mistake And The Centralization Of Bitcoin. Bitcoin 101 - idchains - Part 1 - The Basics Of A Bitcoin-Based Global Identity System. Onename. EB118 – Manu Sporney: W3C, Making Payments A Web Standard. A Framework for Identity. Dan Elitzer is a member of the IDEO coLAB, a shared platform to discover and act on the potential of new technologies, with current focuses on blockchain, digital identity, and IoT. In this op-ed, Elitzer fleshes out a framework for how a digital identity system should function based on work performed by the IDEO coLAB team. How do you identify yourself?

Is it your name? Your email address? Phone number? Drivers license? Last summer, IDEO coLAB brought together 25 students from top Boston-area universities — including Harvard, MIT, Tufts, and RISD — to design venture prototypes exploring the future of trust, transactions, and reputation. When you’re distributing digital tokens representing voting rights for community projects, how do you ensure there’s a real person behind each account? You can probably think of some fairly straightforward answers to those questions. To help guide discussion at the workshop, we developed a simple framework of the core functions of an identity system.

I am Bitcoin - Self Governance Decentralized Systems. #OpenBadges: formal vs. informal recognition — #BeyondCredentials part 2 | Learning Futures. In a previous post, I explored the potential deleterious consequences of equating Open Badges to credentials. My point was not to critique credentials, nor the use of Open Badges as credentials (there is nothing wrong with that), but to build on Carla Casilli’s call: “we still need badges to flourish in the non-regimented space of not-credential.” To understand the urgency of a response to that call, we need a reality check and to pay proper attention to the actual state of Open Badges. If we had to infer a definition based on current Open Badge practice and technology, we would have to write: Open Badges: an institution-centric credentialing technology designed to support formal recognition of learning. The Open Badge Infrastructure gives institutions the power to act, i.e. create and deliver badges (‘spray’) and learners the right to collect and display badges (‘pray’).

Formal and informal recognition formal / non-formaltraditional / non-traditional The plane of recognition Like this: Investing in education instead of speculation. Tim Swanson of R3 is at it again, pushing for KYC-AML for all cryptocurrencies. Again, thanks for taking the time to raise these issues. Again, I don't think I can convince you that we made the right decision, but I hope at least you can understand how our thinking went and see the other side at least a little. I think that the use case that you describe is what you tried to achieve with the authorized trustlines thing, which is something different.

So no, freezability of authorization-free trustlines was fully unnecessary, in my view. No. The authorized trust lines is about deciding who you can owe money to, not ensuring that obligations on the Ripple ledger reflect actual legal obligations. I don't know of any gateways that use authorized accounts. More importantly, in real life, a banknote does not become invalid after the criminal who has stolen it uses it to pay for her food. Exactly. Without freeze, if there were some entry on the ledger that didn't reflect an actual legal obligation, it could change hands, creating exactly that problem. I agree. Blockstack - Decentralized DNS for Blockchain Applications. Bips/bip-0075.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips.

Netki Raises $3.5 Million From O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures. With most of the energy in bitcoin focused on infrastructure issues, creating a more user-friendly environment for new users arguably hasn't been top of mind. However, this isn't stopping startups from moving ahead on this objective. Toward this goal, digital identity startup Netki has announced it has raised $3.5m in a seed round led by O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures (OATV).

Joining the round was domain name provider, Donuts, Colle Capital, The Husseini Group, Digital Currency Group, Bitfinex, Plug and Play, Base Ventures and Tom Turney. In an interview, Netki CEO Justin Newton, explained that the funds were raised to help the company, founded in 2014, continue with its growth. He told CoinDesk: "We plan to use the funds to invest in our technology and grow our team in order to support customer growth. " For O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, this marks its first investment in a blockchain startup. Netki was launched by Justin and Dawn Newton, both of whom were part of early Internet companies. Netki. Interview de Nicolas Bacca CTO Ledger (part .1) v2. FIDO Alliance.