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Printable Lamp Assembles Itself. Hardware solution to fade LED on/off with digital output. ShiftPWM: the easiest software PWM library for Arduino | Control many PWM outputs with only 3 Arduino pins ShiftPWM is a software PWM library for Arduino that uses shift registers to expand the number of PWM outputs. With only 3 data pins, you can control an almost unlimited amount of PWM outputs. Because ShiftPWM is a software PWM library, it is not limited by the number of hardware PWM outputs on the Arduino.

Shift registers are also a lot cheaper than dedicated hardware PWM IC’s, like the TLC5940. Easy to use The library is written to be as easy to use as possible: It provides intuitive functions like SetRGB and SetHSV to directly set an LED to a certain color. The complexity of calculating PWM values and driving the shift registers is hidden in an interrupt. To SPI or not to SPI You can use ShiftPWM with the hardware SPI or without. Demo For a quick demonstration of ShiftPWM, see the video below. To give you an idea of how easy it is to use ShiftPWM, the movie below shows the result of this example code. Downloading and installing ShiftPWM. A look at Peltier cooling. I've been playing with these little Peltier modules for a little while now, and have come to realize their potential for use in the land of RE (and real life as well) for use as a source for chilling.

Translation? Refrigeration. While they have been in use for many years now for just that, there's been a fatal flaw with them that for whatever reason was never addressed. They are horrendously inefficient in their 'native' design specification, but I have found a cute little combination of hacks that make them potentially viable for use in this arena, even in RE. I held out forever with this until I could prove to myself that it was viable. Last night, I found out that they can be run in a 'maintenance' mode, using between 1/4 and 1/6 the power they are rated for (and even less with the right circumstances), and still keep things cool.

The Coleman module appears to use quite a bit more power than the other one, and so this was one of my motives for trying this. Here are some pics: Steve. A look at Peltier cooling. S Top Five Indie Games of 2012. Share on Tumblr What 2012 lacked in high-profile retail releases that lived up to expectations, it more than made up for with a slew of amazing independent titles. Check out what five indie games of 2012 we thought were the best in this fantastic year below. 5.

Super Hexagon Few games could match the pure addictive nature of Terry Cavanagh’s Super Hexagon in 2012. The same can be said for its difficulty – seriously, you start at hard and work your way up from there. Despite the unforgiving challenge, it is impossible to stop playing after nearly missing your high score, especially as restarting is almost automatic.. Add its minimalist design and impeccable soundtrack and Super Hexagon is worth playing for its presentation alone. 4.

Despite its 8-bit aesthetic, Hotline Miami is one of the most violent and gritty games that released in 2012. 3. Torchlight II is the follow-up to Runic Games’ 2009 action RPG, Torchlight. Torchlight II improves upon the original in every way. 1. Barbot - Software Detail | Sean Carney's Website.

Since people are asking, here is some more detail behind the software driving the Barbot. This is a work in progress and will be updated over the next few days. It's All Based on LAMP The Barbot is predominately based on the LAMP architecture, mostly since this is what I know best. Linux The Barbot is built on Ubuntu 13.04. I chose version 13.04 since it was the most recent version when I started the project.

Apache2 The web-server that drives the user-interface is Apache2. First, Apache2 has two virtual hosts: the Barbot itself at and a default (wildcard) host which captures traffic from the captive portal and redirects it to Second, I am using Apache2's authentication module to restrict access to the browse, rate, order and configuration pages. The directory layout of the virtual host is: MySQL The drink information (drinks, ingredients) and system status is stored in a MySQL database. The Captive WIFI Portal. Roboexotica.

Drink Bot - Dr. Bob bob's website. This is Drink Bot's home on the web. There will probably only be pictures and a text description of the circuit because I never drew a whole schematic. Processor: PIC18F4580This is a high end 8 bit pic that happens to have build in CAN. I chose this model because it was within arms reach when I started working on the electronics. It does not need the built in CAN capabilities. Keypad:This is a basic 3x4 keypad. Display:Basic 2x14 text lcd display. Solenoids:Basic gravity feed solenoids purchased from ebay seller valves4projects. Software:A state machine is used to track key presses and when the correct password is entered it moves into drink mode. Building a Drinkbot: The Elixirator.

The Elixirator is a Steampunk cocktail mixing machine. Up to 10 different drinks from four ingredients can be selected and dispensed. Four bottles are used to hold the spirits and mixers for the drinks. The contents of the bottles are pressurized with an aquarium pump and released into the glass with solenoid valves. The valves and functions of the drinkbot are controlled with a single 40X2 Picaxe MCU.

The Elixirator won a bronze metal at the 2012 Robogames. The project uses stained wood, brass and found objects to give it a look straight out of a Jules Verne novel. The story is, "I Doc Hadacoff, a time traveler, have been trapped in the 19th century to sell elixirs to make a living. This instructable is not intended to be a step-by-step instructions to build a particular drinkbot, but more of a step-by-step discussion on how I built mine.

Prototype slangen doseerpompje voor een tientje. Prototypes doseerpompjes 3 voor een tientje. De afb. onder is nog optie die niet moeilijk te verwezenlijken is, de dosering is instelbaar en wordt in 12 uur afgegeven de andere 12 uur wordt de spuit weer opgevuld met vloeistof. Een volledige beschrijving van onderstaande afb. is HIER/MORE te vinden Met de bekende (mechanische) tijdklokken zijn meer leuke dingenmee te doen, zie daarvoor Beschrijving/MORE Deze is wanneer er een grotere gewenste dosering gewenst is demogelijkheid (ook met dezelfde tijdklok) om zelf te bouwen, de DoseerSpuit zie de 2 afb. boven, een beschrijving en meer details foto's van de boven afgebeelde Doseerspuit zijn HIER/MORE te vinden. Bij de gegeven onderdelen zal deze Spuit in 3 uur tijd de plunjer van de spuit 1 mm verplaatsen (8 mm in de 24 uur), op de bovenstaande foto's heeft het een maand proef staan draaien zonder problemen.

Nog een leuk idee Hier van Rik Verhulst uit Roeselare - Belgie. Hij maakt gebruik van de al onze bekende Senseo ;-) Het slangenpompje. Drink Making Unit. One of the many kinds of machines that we have never made before is a cocktail robot. But recently, after being invited to participate in Barbot 2010, we put together this little drink mixer. Cocktail robots are a funny breed. No two seem to work the same way and many (like ours) have few enough moving parts to barely count as robots at all.

The granddaddy cocktail robotics event is Roboexotica (for which you can read about last years robots here), but we’re showing off our machine tonight and tomorrow night, much closer to home at the DNA lounge in San Francisco.Our machine is named “Drink Making Unit.” How *do* you build a drink-mixing robot? Finally, after making some progress on a design consisting in part of ketchup bottles and servo motors, we came across an unexpected solution while browsing eBay for other pump types: breast pumps.

These pumps are designed to run off of 4.5 V from three AAA cells, up to about 350 mA each. From the funnel, to the tube, to the glass: Drink Making Unit 2.0. Barbot 2011, the cocktail robotics exhibition, is happening on Friday and Saturday nights this weekend– April 1 and 2 –in San Francisco. If you haven’t been to one of these events (and you happen to like both cocktails and robots), let me tell you: you are missing out. This year, we’ve designed a brand new bartending machine, Drink Making Unit 2.0, which we are pleased to unveil today, and unleash upon the world this weekend.

Aside from the once-again-apt-but-not-very-descriptive name, Drink Making Unit 2.0 has very little in common with last year’s machine. The mechanism is all new, and features elements borrowed from sources as diverse as pet stores, chemistry labs, and Japanese gardens. It dispenses any six fluids (up from three), in metered and selectable quantities, and also sports an all-new extra-snazzy control panel. First stop: the chemistry lab The starting point for our machine is some classic laboratory glassware: A 500 ml flask and a 10 ml graduated cylinder.

The controller. Barbot: The Automatic Bartender. Barbot V3. BarBot | Robot Monkeys. I’ve been strongly considering making a barbot (a.k.a. a drinkbot), even thought don’t usually drink at home. I haven’t given much thought to its cosmetics, instead I’ve been focusing on mechanics of the bot. I figure, the mechanics will dictate the form, and if one sprinkles enough LEDs on it, can look look fine.

Delivering and Dosing Delivery Broadly speaking, there are three main ways this is accomplished by the community of barbot makers: gravity, direct pumping, and air pressure. Gravity This is the simplest method. Direct Pumping Pumping has an advantage over other methods in that the flow can be controlled without additional components. The most commonly used pumps are peristaltic pumps.

I did find one reasonably priced pump (or more specifically, a reasonably priced pump head), the 200 series from Williamson Manufacturing , but alas it cost $72 to ship a single pump from the UK, so that’s out. Air Pressure Dosing Measuring Cups Flow Velocity Dead Reckoning Mass A Word About Valves.