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‘Is this normal?’ The role of category predicates in constructing mental illness online - Giles - 2013 - Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Abstract One of their functions of online mental health communities is the construction of coherent identities for their members based on the various characteristics of different mental health conditions. This paper contains microanalyses of 2 message threads on mental health discussion forums—one concerning depression and the other ‘emetophobia’ (fear of being sick)—which illustrate some of the discursive functions of such forums.

Conversation analytic techniques are employed, such as the use of second stories for social support purposes, and the generation of category predicates for building up a set of activities that constitute ‘normality’ in this context. It is argued that these socially situated practices constitute a more important function of online support groups than the mere dissemination of ‘advice’.

Mental health communities online Over the last decade, online support groups have flourished for an enormous range of health and mental health conditions. Thread A. YOU MUST BE MENTAL. Writing - for health and happiness? 17 August 2013Last updated at 01:11 GMT By Cathy Edwards Health Check, BBC World Service There are risks and benefits to sharing your emotions online Decades of research have shown that writing down your emotions has concrete health benefits - even helping wounds heal.

But as more and more people publish their intimate feelings online, could they be doing themselves more harm than good? High-profile coverage of cyberbullying might make sharing your deepest emotions online sound like a bad idea, but when it comes to the risks and benefits of writing online, advice is mixed. The American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, suggests questions about social media are included in visits to the doctor, a move prompted by worries about cyberbullying, internet addiction and sleep deprivation.

On the other hand, blogging about health problems has been shown to improve feelings of social support, especially when that support is lacking from family and friends. Traumatic experience 'Emotions bottled up' Gwyneth Lewis - Books - Sunbathing in the rain. "Depression is a disease of the imagination. This means that the depressive suffers from a faulty mechanism, in the way he or she pictures reality, is a forger of his or her own life. " This might well be the Age of Depression. More people than ever now experience the disease directly or see a friend or relative succumb to it.

Among their number is Gwyneth Lewis. And she set about writing this book simply because she wished something like it had existed for her when she was in the middle of her depression. Depression is assassination. "I started reading this book on a rainy afternoon and read it right through without stopping to late evening. (Harper Perennial 2002) [ HarperCollins ] Sunbathing in the Rain - Reviews 'Undoubtedly the best book I have ever read about one person's experience of depression.' 'Sunbathing in the Rain is both witty and wise: a profound musing on the problem of depression that is deeply informed yet full of hope and cheer.' Buy this book (Paperback)

Talking Therapies. Talking therapies can help you work out how to deal with negative thoughts and feelings and make positive changes. They can help people who are feeling distressed by difficult events in their lives as well as people with a mental health problem. This information is for anyone who wants to know more about different types of talking therapy or hear the experiences of people who have used them. It advises how to find a therapist who is right for you and suggests where to look for more information. The information mainly uses the words 'talking therapy' and 'therapist', although the words that other people use may be different.

Talking is good for you Talking about your thoughts and feelings can help you deal with times when you feel troubled about something. But talking about it can help you work out what is really bothering you and explore what you could do about it. Talking is an important part of our relationships. What are talking therapies? Talking therapies may also be referred to as: Det perfekte sted at begå socialt selvmord. I næsten 40 år var han en fremtræden og respekteret journalist på et af de store landsdækkende dagblade.

En god kollega og en dygtig medarbejder med et renommé, som det tager et helt arbejdsliv at bygge op. Det tog ham kun få dage at spolere det. Først internt som en personalesag om sexchikane, og i sidste uge over for omverden, da han gennem et social medie satte sin mentale tilstand til offentlig skue. Nedsmeltningen var total. Hvad der er sket med den nu pensionerede journalist fremgår ikke, men i hvert fald valgte han pludselige at sætte nye standarder for, hvad man deler på sociale medier: nøgenbilleder af sig selv med erektion, bagbundne kvinder i bondageudstyr i sin egen dagligstue, oralsex og masochistisk sex, alt sammen side om side med unge piger med studenterhue, familie og venner, der formentlig ikke vidste, hvilken billedstrøm, de indgik i. »For et par dage siden havde jeg tre følgere, så postede jeg nogle frække billeder, og nu har jeg over 100.

Sjovt, ikke? 26-UdenForNummer. The Mental Illness Happy Hour // Weekly Online Podcasts Exploring Mental Illness and Addiction. Center for Digital Storytelling - Home.