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Sexual Information and Knowlege

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Websites. Taken in Hand. Dominant. Information Resources on Switching. ASMR Info. BDSM General Info and Tidbits. The Vagina, A User's Guide. Includes How to Use a Penis at no extra charge So Bucky, you've found a vagina but you don't know how to use it.

The Vagina, A User's Guide

Unfortunately, vaginas do not come with instructions, proper lighting or adequate ventilation. Consensual Nonconsent. Resources you SHOULD have. Rigger and Bottom Education Material. Fabulous Odds and Ends, Bits of Rope. Reality. Blogs. Genre, féminisme.

The Art of Sexuality

Sexual Intimacy. The Science of Sexuality. D/s and philosophy. The Philosophy of Sexuality. Societie's Acceptable Sexual Practices, Rolls, and Attitudes. Sexual Exploration. Humanity's Perverse nature. Outside Sources. How to?