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Entrepreneuriat social

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Prismes-numero-15-2011-hep-vaud.pdf. BAO_PEE_ES_nov11.


Sensibilisation à l'entrepreneuriat social - kit pédagogique. Articles. 10Q: Yunus Finds 'Happy' Profit in Yogurt. Muhammad Yunus and the bank he founded, Grameen Bank, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for helping to establish the microcredit movement across the developing world.

10Q: Yunus Finds 'Happy' Profit in Yogurt

He spoke recently with Margaret Collins, a personal finance reporter for Bloomberg News in New York. Q: What is "social business? " I bet it doesn't mean what it sounds like. A: Social business is business that solves problems rather than make people money. The simple idea is by making money you make yourself happy. I'm calling this "social business," because the profit-making business is about me.

Q: Will people be interested in that? Q: Is it one or the other? Q: What social businesses have you started? Q: What do the investors get? Q: So they get back what they put in, but no price appreciation or dividend? Veolia, a French water company: we have a joint venture to bring water to villages where water is not available. Q: A lot of companies have "corporate social responsibility," efforts. Q: Because you're reinvesting it? Changer le monde : portraits d'entrepreneurs sociaux en action. La crise, on peut s’en plaindre. On peut aussi en profiter pour commencer à repenser la société. Les entrepreneurs sociaux s’y sont collés. A leur niveau, ils ont remis en question le modèle économique dominant et imaginé des moyens d’être rentable autrement.

Ils utilisent les principes de la libre entreprise pour créer, produire et gérer leurs affaires en intégrant dans leurs activités les préoccupations sociales, environnementales et économiques. Ils ne mesurent pas leur succès en termes de profit et de retour sur investissement, mais en termes d’impact sur l’environnement et sur la société. Les entrepreneurs solidaires fleurissent depuis quelques années. Des fondations ont été créées pour regrouper et permettre une meilleure visibilité de ces entrepreneurs du futur. Pour accompagner le film documentaire, un webdocumentaire sera diffusé sur CANALPLUS.FR à partir du 10 novembre.

Les défricheurs. Planète d’Entrepreneurs, visiting Bangladesh, published an article on Grameen Danone. Planète d’Entrepreneurs, visiting Bangladesh, published an article on Grameen Danone Visiting Bangladesh in January 2012, Planète d’Entrepreneurs visited the facilities of Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. and summarized the activities of the social business in this publication.

Planète d’Entrepreneurs, visiting Bangladesh, published an article on Grameen Danone

The article summarizes in a synthetic way the meeting between Yunus and Franck Riboud in 2005, the birth of the social business in 2006, the results so far and the challenges for tomorrow. The association Planète d’Entrepreneurs was established in March 2009 to help social entrepreneurs develop operational tools to assess their social impact. The goal of the association is to participate in the emergence of new indicators to measure performance in order to improve and demonstrate the effectiveness of innovative economic and social models to the general public, and especially students. After a first edition in 2010-2011, the second team of Planète d’Entrepreneurs is currently in the field.

>> Read the publication.

Accompagnement entrepreneurs sociaux