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Healthzex one of the most renowned website which focuses on health and health related remedies.

Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain: Causes and Treatment. Most children who are otherwise healthy may repeatedly complain about pain in their stomach.

Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain: Causes and Treatment

If this kind of pain lasts for more than two months, then this could be because of chronic functional abdominal pain. Functional abdominal pain is not something dangerous. However, if your child is experiencing excessive pain, then you must speak to a doctor. Causes of chronic functional abdominal pain The doctors are still not clear about what causes centrally mediated abdominal pain syndrome. The problem could also be caused because of stress at school or at home. Treating chronic functional abdominal pain Those who complain of chronic functional abdominal pain will feel pain around their belly button.

A teenager could suffer from pain in the upper abdomen, which may be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and a feeling of being satiated early. Coronavirus: Symptoms, Causes and Facts. (‘I knocked on hell’s door’: This is what it feels like to catch the Coronavirus) as reports suggested by Economic Times.

Coronavirus: Symptoms, Causes and Facts

What is coronavirus? Coronavirus, the infamous disease has taken a toll in most of the countries recently. It has become a global concern! 15 Natural Home Remedies for Allergies. On classifying different types of allergies, it has been found that there are three broad categories.

15 Natural Home Remedies for Allergies

They fall in the respiratory, dermatological or digestive category. It means that an allergen (allergy-causing agent) can enter the respiratory system causing shortness of breath, hives or an asthma attack. On ingesting an allergen, you might feel digestive discomfort and vomit. Any person hypersensitive to an allergen will show certain symptoms on his/her skin on contact. Most of the allergens are harmless substances and do not cause severe physiological issues unless the person is hypersensitive to them. For this list, we need to sort out these three types of allergies properly and jot down the home remedies perfectly.

Respiratory allergies Respiratory allergies have a particular set of symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, watery eyes, asthmatic attacks, etc. Peppermint tea Eucalyptus oil and steam Adding eucalyptus oil in hot water produces decongesting steam. Honey. 12 Common Food Allergies and How to Treat Them. Allergies are the outcome of the immune system responding to a particular allergen.

12 Common Food Allergies and How to Treat Them

It can happen while eating something that does not comply with your digestive system. Food allergies are very common and a person susceptible to such occurrences must know the reason behind them. Eating food that causes allergy can lead to specific symptoms that depict an allergic reaction has been triggered by our body’s immunity system. In common cases, a person may suffer from redness of the skin, itching, hives, shortness of breath, etc. How to get rid of different types of allergies? - Hacks Of Health.

Allergies occur when the immune system of an individual misreads a harmless substance as a threat and starts particular reactions in response to the stimulus.

How to get rid of different types of allergies? - Hacks Of Health

It can be mild to chronic. The expert doctors suggest that every allergic reaction should be taken very seriously. It needs medical attention for analysis and to diagnose the actual reason. How does a ketogenic diet work? - Health Magazine — Healthzex - Medium. Losing fat is not a myth anymore.

How does a ketogenic diet work? - Health Magazine — Healthzex - Medium

In fact, there is no need to starve and feel unhealthy for shedding those extra pounds bothering you for years. The best answer to a healthy way of regaining normal BMI is a keto diet plan. Ketogenic diet: The right solution. Health Magazine - Healthzex : How many carbs present in a low-carb diet for weight loss? Carbohydrates are the prime source of energy.

Health Magazine - Healthzex : How many carbs present in a low-carb diet for weight loss?

Consuming carbohydrates more than the required level can increase fat deposition causing the escalation of body weight. The ideal way to lose weight is by reducing carbohydrate consumption and increasing the other ingredients to a considerable extent. Banana Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Grown in more than a hundred countries across the globe, Bananas are sweet in taste and come up with perfect packaging.

Banana Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

11 Proven Facts and health benefits about Avocado. Avocado or Alligator Pear is a nutrient-rich fruit with green or blackish fruit with a single large seed and yellowish pulp.

11 Proven Facts and health benefits about Avocado

No matter if you are following a weight-loss plan or just want to include something healthy in your daily routine meal, avocado can fit anywhere. While most of the fruits are loaded with carbohydrates, Avocado is rich in healthy fats, which renders a lot of health benefits. One can have it raw, relish on various avocado recipes, or enjoy the fruit in the form of smoothies. This article is for both the avocado lovers and those who haven’t tasted it ever but curious to know the health benefits and other tested facts about the fruit. According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information, about one-half or 68 grams of avocado include the following nutrients: Best Fitness Tracker: 4 Points to consider before buying. Life is becoming a ground of battle for all of us and in this race of life somewhere we forget to maintain a balance between our health and life.

Best Fitness Tracker: 4 Points to consider before buying

Since many of us do not have enough time to keep track of our day-to-day activities, it has become more essential to use the best fitness tracker available in the market. The best fitness tracker comes in different forms such as fitness tracking apps and on the other hand, there are fitness tracker bands. These fitness bands are becoming the talk of the town since the past few years. 11 Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis You should know. A ketogenic diet is the latest fad of the millennial population. Those who are desperately trying to lose weight, following a ketogenic diet can be a miraculous way to do it. It has shown remarkable development in many individuals. In fact, most of the dieticians and physicians support using ketosis as the ideal way to lose weight and overcome BMI issues. Health Magazine - Healthzex. How to enable McAfee Safe Search mode for secured browsing? How to enable “Protected View” in Microsoft Office? When you open Microsoft Office documents with the help of unknown sources, you may fall victim to certain cyber threats.

There are many kinds of risk involved in such activities. To safeguard yourself from malware and other threats and viruses you need to enable the “Protected View” features on your Office apps and tools. This feature offered by Microsoft opens documents in a protected view and in the read-only mode as well as makes the content disabled. Not only this, but you can also disable the protected view whenever you want to or when you need to edit a document or other files. Also, it is very important to know the mechanism of using the “Protected view” efficiently. The Office applications which include the “Protected View” feature are as follows: MS Word,Excel andPowerPoint Let’s see how the “Protected View” works? First, you have to review the settings for Protected View and to do this: