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Awesome Art and Things to Look At

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Fashion Gone rouge. Umbrella Tree. Jack Cheng. Nightmares Fear Factory's Photostream. Brian Dettmer's Photostream. S.Elayaraja Online Gallery. Bjarke Ingels Group. Capitol Hill Poetry. Axioo. Indian Contemporary Art. Thad and Sarah Lawrence use Photoshop to create a surreal photo album documenting their relationship. Joan Miro ‘The Garden’ « Inside the Mind of SJB. Grandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos) A few years ago, French photographer Sacha Goldberger found his 91-year-old Hungarian grandmother Frederika feeling lonely and depressed.

Grandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos)

To cheer her up, he suggested that they shoot a series of outrageous photographs in unusual costumes, poses, and locations. Grandma reluctantly agreed, but once they got rolling, she couldn't stop smiling. Frederika was born in Budapest 20 years before World War II. During the war, at the peril of her own life, she courageously saved the lives of ten people.

When asked how, Goldberger told us "she hid the Jewish people she knew, moving them around to different places every day. "