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Breaks. Health. Libro. Society, community. Videos. Science. Statistics. Travel. Art. Photography. Google. Pearltrees tips. Recipe. Language-babel. Philippe Nwane Creates Aspirator to Fight River Blindness. Making Inventions Out of Necessity to Fight River Blindness Oct. 20, 2010 Dedicated to fighting river blindness in his native Cameroon, Carter Center epidemiologist Philippe Nwane employs creativity and innovation to monitor the debilitating parasitic infection.

Philippe Nwane Creates Aspirator to Fight River Blindness

The late afternoon sun has begun to set as Philippe Nwane, 38, carrying a long plastic tube, walks slowly through a sweet potato field near a remote village in western Cameroon. Viewpoint: Why are couples so mean to single people? 7 November 2012 Last updated at 00:57 GMT In a world that celebrates romance and finding The One, people can be rather rude to single people, writes James Friel. No-one is supposed to be single. Google.