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Welcome to oliver + s > lazy days skirt free pattern. August is meant for relaxing and hanging out on the porch.

Welcome to oliver + s > lazy days skirt free pattern

At least, that’s what we had in mind for this skirt. It’s about as easy to sew as a skirt can be, since it’s made from a single width of fabric. A Traditional Chinese Pants Pattern! This pattern really attracted me right away - not so much because of the final shape of the pants, but because of the simplicity of the pattern.

A Traditional Chinese Pants Pattern!

It is put together from two rectangles and an elastic waist band. Nothing else! See here: (Don't worry about figuring this out yet, I will explain it later in this post!) Corvus tristis: Science, Craft and an Odd Bird. I finished my part of this ensemble yesterday morning, wore it to a party that night, and got generally good feedback.

Corvus tristis: Science, Craft and an Odd Bird

Now I’m finally ready so share it with you. The major components I made include the dress, the wings, and a feather headdress. Then, of course, there’s the absolutely gorgeous Sundries and Plunder mask I won from a Grosgrain giveway, which not only inspired the whole project but is its crowning glory. So where shall we begin? Embroidery Designs at Urban Threads - Projects. PR&P Tutorials, Week 5 - Fishtail Circle Skirt. I really hope you aren’t going to kill me…but this is probably the one week out of the whole competition where I do not have a complete tutorial.

PR&P Tutorials, Week 5 - Fishtail Circle Skirt

The dress was just so tailored to fit my daughter exactly, that in the time allotted to create the design, I just couldn’t do it all. But there is hope! I did manage to snap one picture, one VERY HELPFUL picture, to get you on your way to creating this look… That’s right, how to make the circle skirt portion of the dress! Lace Top Tutorial. I love me some lace!

Lace Top Tutorial

I wanted to make myself a little something pretty while I’m in the middle of making a bagillion gifts and things for an upcoming craft fair. In its former life it was an old frilly lace grandma curtain — ruffles, big bow tie backs, the whole gaudy shebang. All that is gone. How it's made. First of all, I was quite overwhelmed by all the lovely comments I got on the yellow hoodie!

How it's made

Thank you so much! Besides that I also got questions about how I made this hoodie. I did not take enough pictures during the making for a complete how-to, but here's some more about the process. As I said, the horizontal seam was inspired by my niece Marie's coat. I emailed her a bit late though, so when she sent me her drawing with measures I had already started to improvise. Folded Miniskirt Tutorial. Difficulty: Intermediate.

Folded Miniskirt Tutorial

It's based on the Drapedrape dress no 7, and it has the same 'what am I looking at here' feel to it. At one point you'll think, 'what a mess' and then it just clicks and you have a beautiful skirt. This click does not seem to happen with everyone, showing from the comments. If you're not sure about it: wait for the pattern! Fabric: One meter/yard is more than enough. Ladybird Needle Keeper Project and Tutorial. I did not plan to do another tute so quickly, it just sort of happened....and this idea came to me. I used to lose my embroidery needles all the time, I'd put one down to re-thread it, and then get side tracked. Consequence: another needle down the side of the sofa and a cross husband saying 'That's dangerous, someone could sit on that, etc etc!

'. To aid my plight a kind friend sent me a needle keeper which had a magnet stuck on the top. I can't tell you how useful this has been over the years - plus saving me a fortune in new needles. I was racking my brain for a gift to give a stitching friend and this idea popped into my head. Lush & Plush Trends from Trendy Faux Leather Handbag. Red Leather.

Lush & Plush Trends from Trendy Faux Leather Handbag

Read that out loud three times fast. (Go ahead... I'll wait) Hard to do isn't it? Now try Red Faux Leather. Much easier, isn't it?

Summer pants

Rosie’s birthday top. This top was my birthday present to Rosalie.

Rosie’s birthday top

It’s a bit summery for our current weather, but she was nice enough to model it for me outdoors anyway. To make this top I used 1 yard of the dotted fabric, about half a yard of lining fabric, a 9″ zipper, and 33 inches of ribbon (an inch more than enough to go around her ribcage). The pieces of the pattern are: Cut the straps of the front longer than you need to leave room for tying. Sweater vest makeover. I am SO excited about this project and tutorial.

Sweater vest makeover

I planned and schemed about it for like weeks before I bought the fur and sweater vest. It's so cool! Tutorial: Lace Keyhole Top from Polo. This tutorial's pretty short, but I know I always appreciate even the quickest of how-tos! I'm not sure where the inspiration for this top came from...I was actually about to cut it up to make some navy blue ruffles for a different top refashion, but I just couldn't bear to cut up something that already had finished buttonholes. I stood in front of the mirror buttoning and unbuttoning it, trying to figure out what I could do. I only ended up saving one of the buttons, but I think it's an improvement- polo shirts just aren't my style.

Tutorial- The "Spiral" Cowl Collar. As promised, here is a tutorial for making a cowl collar that has been "Spiraled" so that it drapes in lovely gentle folds that hide the neckline seam, rather than just "flopping down" in the front. On a recent garment, I showed you the Spiral Cowl Collar on a drapey Rayon knit fabric...this blue one is made from heavy cotton/lycra knit Velour. There may be other ways to make a Spiral Cowl...this is how I do it... (Click on any Photo to enlarge) Start with any basic knit top garment that has a Jewel neckline, and sew the shoulder seams. Slouchy Bag Free Pattern {Sewing Tutorial.