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Répertoire d'usages pédagogiques iPad's ped use repertoire

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Dans le cadre d'un atelier de production avancé au DESS en technologie éducative à l'Université Laval, j'ai la mission de créer, sous la supervision de Mme Thérèse Laferrière, un répertoire d'usages pédagogiques du iPad en classe de niveau secondaire et universitaire.

Joignez-vous à moi dans cette passionante mission ! Promethean et iPad. iPad sur TNI. Stop Consuming Start 5 Ways to Integrate Technology Into Your Child's Education. Jeff Galinovsky is regional manager for Intel’s classmate PC in North America where he focuses on expanding education products as well as building an education ecosystem. You can follow him on Twitter at @ClassmatePCDude. Most of us didn’t have today’s technology options when we were in school, so while parents realize technology has become an integral part of their child's education, they're sometimes finding it difficult to incorporate it into the learning process. It’s much more than choosing the right hardware (desktop, iPad, netbook, etc.). Parents need to consider several other factors: Appropriate software, interactive e-reading programs, how to educate children about online safety when exploring social media, and how to integrate technology into the current curriculum.

However, technology is important in today's world and taking a comprehensive approach to technology education will ensure that children thrive in the modern education system and in the jobs of the future. 1. 2. 3. iPad - Why? How? iPad Curriculum. iPad - tablette - What to do with the iPad? / Que faire d'un iPad? Who hasn’t heard the buzz around the iPad and for those of you lucky enough to have snagged one you know it’s not just hype. Over the last several weeks, there has been a flurry of discussions on this topic in forums such as the Educause CIO listserv. Many of my colleagues have also responded with posts on their blogs. Based on these conversations, there appear to be two very different approaches to supporting the iPad on campus: those rushing to adopt the device on a massive scale and those who want nothing to do with it. The first camp, the early adopters, is rushing to adopt the device on a massive scale.

Many are considering whether to provide an iPad to every student and faculty member. At least two institutions, Seton Hill University (not to be confused with Seton Hall) and George Fox University, plan to provide an iPad to every student later this year. The second camp, the skeptics, wants nothing to do with the device. The two camps could not be more diametrically opposed. Tablettes environnement numérique. Atelier tablettes.

Usages pédagogiques iPad