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Municipal Compost: is it a good thing? Food and green waste: ready compost - about 45,000 tonnes of waste is composted every year at the EcoPark What is municipal compost? How can you use it in your container growing? Is it safe? And is it the answer for the urban grower looking for a good quality, sustainable growing medium? This post will try to answer these questions. Why sourcing compost is a BIG issue (particularly in cities) The practical reasons One of the hardest choices to make when building your container garden is: which growing medium to use.

The environmental reasons Then there are wider issues. Is municipal compost the solution? Can municipal compost offer a more sustainable solution? I went down to the LondonWaste EcoPark in North London, which produces 12,000 tonnes of compost a year to see it being made and to look for answers. How is municipal compost made?

Waste is loaded into huge enclosed tunnels, and air is blown in through vents in the floor. The compost is made to the BSI PAS 100:2011 standard. Experiment. Bods & Campaigns. London Wildlife Trust | Services for Schools. Home / RHS Campaign for School Gardening.

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Timberland. Food growing. Growing. Hedgerow plants. Wild flowers. Plants4Less Contact Us. Building. Green roofs. Green walls. Indoor plants. Biodiversity. Woodland. Ed for sustainability. Add-ons.