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Found Poem. Found poems take existing texts and refashion them, reorder them, and present them as poems.

Found Poem

The literary equivalent of a collage, found poetry is often made from newspaper articles, street signs, graffiti, speeches, letters, or even other poems. A pure found poem consists exclusively of outside texts: the words of the poem remain as they were found, with few additions or omissions. Decisions of form, such as where to break a line, are left to the poet. Examples of found poems can be seen in the work of Blaise Cendrars, David Antin, and Charles Reznikoff. In his book Testimony, Reznikoff created poetry from law reports, such as this excerpt: Amelia was just fourteen and out of the orphan asylum; at her first job--in the bindery, and yes sir, yes ma'am, oh, so anxious to please.

Many poets have also chosen to incorporate snippets of found texts into larger poems, most significantly Ezra Pound. Examples of Found Poems: Day [excerpt] by Kenneth Goldsmith Found Poem by Howard Nemerov. MSA 2009 Slam Poetry. Slam! The Live Poets' Society. Poetry slams breathe new life into the poetry genre.

Slam! The Live Poets' Society

Teens around the country are finding that performing their original work at slams gives them a forum to express how they feel. What is on the minds and in the hearts of urban youth? It's Monday night, and a group of mainly teens and twenty-somethings converge upon a funky coffee shop in Worcester, Massachusetts, armed with their notebooks and journals. They've come to the Java Hut to read their poetry—some wanting to try out new material during the open-mike session, others ready to perform more polished pieces in the competitive slam that follows.

Host Sou MacMillan stokes the mood of the room as she outlines the rules of a slam. The struggling artists throw what they can into the donation basket, raising $10 for the night's cash prize. Nineteen-year-old Jon Wolf, who looks like an intellectual surfer with dimples, recites his poems rap-style, with a speed, rhythm, and urgency that convey both his idealism and his passion. A Poetry Slam Cures the Blahs. Educator Brenda Dyck reflects on how she used a Poetry Slam, an event in which student-poets perform their work and are judged by members of an audience, to refocus her students.

A Poetry Slam Cures the Blahs

She shares how her students took this 1980s art form and turned it into an opportunity to connect with their peers and teachers. Included: Benchmarks for student presentations plus links to additional poetry-slam resources. Don't miss Education World's Stage a Poetry Slam lesson plan and our special archive of Poetry Activities. The Poems « Middle School Poetry 180.

These are not hyperlinked (sorry) but you can do a search near the bottom of the right-hand column.

The Poems « Middle School Poetry 180

I have not included the scattered blog posts about poetry in this list, but they are worth reading: Click “about poetry” in the Categories section on the right-hand column for a complete list of entries. Recent Posts 202. The Glass Essay: Anne Carson201. western springs zoo: Sonja Yelich200. You Are Odysseus: Linda Pastan199. Like this: Like Loading... Self-Esteem through Literature and Music (Middle, Music) Used Furniture Review. Elephant Engine High Dive Revival Preview. AFTDTM. Shane Koyczan - We Are More. Shane Koyczan - Beethoven.

Taylor Mali performs "Undivided Attention" Like_youknow. Talib Kweli - Def Poetry Jam. Def Poetry - KRS-One & Doug Fresh - 2nd Quarter. Scratch & Dent Dreams. A Finger, Two Dots Then Me - Trailer. Derrick Brown - Come Alive.


Slam Poem; I'm taking my ball and going home (Scott) Slam Nuba, Volume Knob. 2011 Teen Poetry Slam Semis 1, Noah.