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My SpamAssassin MySQL How-To - About This is how to set up SpamAssassin for use with a MySQL server for storing user preferences, the AWL data, and bayesean data.

My SpamAssassin MySQL How-To -

This how-to has no information on how to interface SA with your SMTP server or to edit user preferences. That information will be covered in a different how-to at a later date. SA-rules-howto. PHP Anti-Spam Captcha Script to Secure Form. One of the best, if not the best, ways to prevent automated web robot tools and spammers from taking advantage of your forms and scripts is by using a captcha image. Here is a simple example that I hacked up earlier today to use on my Advanced Request and Response HTTP Header Viewer among other tools. View a working example on my Advanced Request and Response HTTP Header Viewer tool. PHP Anti-Spam Captcha Example ^