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FiresymfonyPluginSetupInstructions - firesymfony - Setup instructions for the firesymfonyPlugin - Project Hosting on Google Code. Below there is the description of the configuration files you have to edit on your symfony project to start using the firesymfonyPlugin. The instructions vary according to the targeted symfony version. For symfony 1.0 do the following: Change ONLY the logging.yml file like this: all: enabled: on level: debug rotate: off period: 7 history: 10 purge: on loggers: sf_web_debug: class: fsWebDebugLogger param: condition: %SF_WEB_DEBUG% sf_file_debug: class: sfFileLogger param: file: %SF_LOG_DIR%/%SF_APP%_%SF_ENVIRONMENT%.log The only difference here with the default symfony 1.0 logging.yml is the entry:

10 Useful Firefox Extensions to Supercharge Firebug. Firebug is a revolutionary Firefox extension that helps web developers and designers test and inspect front-end code.

10 Useful Firefox Extensions to Supercharge Firebug

It provides us with many useful features such as a console panel for logging information, a DOM inspector, detailed information about page elements, and much more. Though Firebug is already fully packed with features out of the box, several extensions out there can enhance its utility. In this article, you will find the 10 best Firefox extensions for Firebug that will make your life, as a developer or designer, easier. 1.