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Brain Breaks. BRAIN BREAKS! A lot of experienced authors have written books about “brain breaks.” Brain breaks are short reprieves from learning where students GET UP and have a little fun! All students (and teachers) can benefit from incorporating brain breaks into their classroom. However, some teachers just forget about all of the fun activities that will give students’ brains a break and help them refocus their energy and efforts. I found these cute, colorful craft sticks the other day. I had no idea what I was going to use them for, but I knew I had to buy them!!

Later, I realized they would be perfect for BRAIN BREAKS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 50 Jumping Jacks: Get students’ heart rates up with this QUICK physical exercise. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. I’m hoping to add more Brain Breaks! **MUST HAVE: A cute container! Here's an example of the blackline version of the Brain Break cards. And another little example... Directions/Information for each activity are also included!

Brain Breaks for Squirrelly Students. Brain Breaks are so, so so important! According to pediatric occupational therapist, Loren Shlaes, When we are forced to sit still for long periods, we are either in one of two states: the just right state, meaning that our bodies can support our ability to stay present by remaining effortlessly aroused and upright, or in a sensory needs state, which means that we cannot attend because our bodies need something to help our brains stay alert and ready to learn. The just right state doesn't last long when we are forced to sit without moving, unless what is happening in the room is highly interesting and engages our full attention. That is why I created this set of 60 Brain Break cards for classroom use. Before I began, I looked at a lot of sources for Brain Breaks and also called on my own experience as a teacher, camp counselor (from waaaaaay back when), and (briefly) a student of improv.

In addition to the Brain Break cards, there is also a list of suggestions for use. BRAIN BREAKS FOR YOUR CLASSROOM. Cha Cha Slide Easy To Dance Steps for brain breaks! Energizing Brain Breaks. Move It With Brain Breaks Music Videos {FREEBIE} If you're like me, you'd like one place with all your fun music and movement videos at your fingertips. And it'd be great if those videos were in a safe format so that annoying content wasn't displayed before or after your video played.

I took the videos that many of my colleagues use on a regular basis and made a Symbaloo (a really cool visual bookmarking tool that helps people keep their favorite links in order.) First, I converted each video into a link on - a wonderful site that generates a safe link for YouTube videos. It removes all the yucky stuff you don't want. You might have one ad pop up at the bottom of the video right when you hit play, but that's about it. No more questionable content on the sides and nothing comes up when the video ends. Woo hoo! So, here it is! When I find engaging videos, I add them to my Symbaloo which updates automatically. Retour au calme et rituels de transition : les brain breaks. Dans le cadre du proposé par Sage, je fais remonter cet article (originalement publié le 07/11/2011) qui regroupe des petits rituels rigolos à mettre en place pour ramener son petit monde au travail.

Pour découvrir les articles des autres bloggueurs cliquez -là : Les capacités d’attention et de concentration de mes élèves étant plutôt faibles, il est important de varier les tâches proposées et d’aménager des moments de transition entre elles. Un peu comme dans un morceau de musique, ces pauses aident à matérialiser le passage d’une activité à l’autre, à repérer que l’on change de domaine de travail ou d’organisation, et donc à structurer le temps, à catégoriser les apprentissages. En Clis, on peut avoir recours sans hésiter aux stratagèmes souvent utilisés en maternelle. Voici deux petits trucs rapportés des Etats-Unis : 2-Le « Donne moi 5 » (le « give me five » anglais sonne beaucoup mieux…) : quand je veux la plus grande attention du groupe je dis bien fort « donne-moi 5 !

Roll Some Fun Freebie. Teaching Ideas / Brain Break...This is SO fun!!!! Jump, Jump, wiggle your rump,, walk it out like granny...