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DIY palettes WALL ART

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Bad rabbit vintage - painted furniture with attitude : All hail the mighty freezer paper! There are so many tricks and methods of doing transfers that it's hard to remember them all.

bad rabbit vintage - painted furniture with attitude : All hail the mighty freezer paper!

At least it is for me. I forgot all about freezer paper! Completely and totally forgot. { DIY } Jolies typo pour tableaux noir… Ecrire sur les murs est devenu très tendance dans nos intérieurs, surtout avec l’arrivée majeure de l’ardoise (en peinture ou adhésif)…Cela permet de donner une belle touche de fantaisie dans notre déco !

{ DIY } Jolies typo pour tableaux noir…

Avec l’arrivée de Noël, c’est aussi une bien jolie façon de mettre en valeur nos meilleurs voeux pour la famille ou bien encore le menu du réveillon… Mais, il faut bien l’avouer, tout le monde ne possède pas le don du dessin…Et le résultat peut parfois être un peu décevant ! Pas de panique, découvrez sans plus tarder comment bluffer vos amis en écrivant de jolis mots à la craie sur vos murs… Grâce à ce tuto très facile à réaliser, le résultat est garanti pour tous !

How to make a giant number or letterFunky Junk Interiors. How to make old signs - via Funky Junk InteriorsFunky Junk Interiors. Old signs are huge in decorating these days.

How to make old signs - via Funky Junk InteriorsFunky Junk Interiors

While they’re cool to find, they’re even more fun (and easy) to create! Here’s how to make old signs, with this one being a multi coloured old sign from a board found on the curb. 1. Find an old board on the curb no one wants any longer. 2. 3. 4. – Rustic Chalkboard Sign. So I know that chalkboard paint is all the rage and there are plenty of tutorials on how to make your own.

– Rustic Chalkboard Sign

This is not one. I just wanted a sign that LOOKED like a chalkboard. After putting in a lot of effort on lettering I was not about to erase it. It was going to be permanent. Here is what I did. Supplies needed: 1×3 (2) = $4 Paneling = $5 Black Paint = $1 Liquid Nails = $2 1st step: Paneling- You can find this at Home Depot, ask an associate where their “Handy Panels” are. DIY Rustic Chalkboard for a Wedding - Domestically Speaking. Chalkboard Signs I Chalk Art I Menus I Murals. DIY Chalkboard Signs (Tutorial) - Inspiration For Moms.

Thanks for all the love and sweet comments Lots of you loved my chalkboard creation so today I want to share with you a tutorial on how I made this wonderful sign.

DIY Chalkboard Signs (Tutorial) - Inspiration For Moms

(please visit their site if you would like to print your own copy) I knew this design would look great on my new chalkboard. Oh right, the new chalkboard that I didn’t have. Lindsey loo loves: Another Chalkboard Tutorial. The last time I did a chalkboard tutorial, it became one of my most popular posts.

lindsey loo loves: Another Chalkboard Tutorial

Chalkboard Art - Gris Foncé. Deux tendances, cette année,

Chalkboard Art - Gris Foncé

Giant DIY Party Chalkboard - Lemon Thistle. Happy June!

Giant DIY Party Chalkboard - Lemon Thistle

Can you believe it’s June already? This year is flying by- maybe that’s what kids do to a person. Tuto plaque en bois - Atelier Scaramouche. Peinture et typographie pour Lululemon Athletica à Londres. Voici un bien beau projet mêlant enseigne peinte et typographie pour l’aménagement du magasin Lululemon Athletica à Londres.

Peinture et typographie pour Lululemon Athletica à Londres

Le projet a été confié à Tobias Hall et Christine Kawasaki-Chan, 2 designers graphiques anglais, qui nous partagent aujourd’hui les coulisses de leurs recherches et de leurs créations. La peinture et la gravure sur bois rappelle fortement le travail des anciennes enseignes peintes à la main et donnent un côté très chaleureux à la boutique. Petites explications en vidéo : My Sweet Savannah: ~how to make a seed packet pallet wood sign~ Today I want to show you how to make a sign from old pallet wood.

My Sweet Savannah: ~how to make a seed packet pallet wood sign~

Of course, you don't have to use pallet wood, any kind will do. Start by deciding what size you want your sign to be. I just laid a few pieces together to get a width I liked. Then I cut them all the same length. Turn your piece so that the roughest side is facing you. When it is all attached together, you are ready to make your pattern. Turn your pattern over and scribble with a pencil all over the back. Once that is done, place your pattern back on the wood and tape it in place. Wall art for Sale in Utah. ITEM: AFR002 Abstract gallery wrapped canvas wall art. Rich blues, greens, oranges, and browns. Giclee reproduction. Sawtooth for hanging. Set of two: $95.00 Dimensions: 24"W X 1.5"D X 24"H (each) ITEM: AFR003 Floral gallery wrapped canvas wall art. Set of two: $95.00 Dimensions: 24"W X 1.5"D X 23.75"H (each) DIY Family Time. Pallet projects on Pinterest. Pin by Portlandia TV on Pallet Luv. 20 DIY Pallet Art Flag Ideas.

This is going to be one the very interesting blog as you will come to know about 20 DIY pallet art flag ideas. The people who are involved in this kind of work like making many new things out of old wooden pallet structures will certainly appreciate these 20 pallet art flag ideas. Pallet art flag is going to be a good experience for all of you. This might appear to you little difficult but it is not. This will be super easy if being done once.


Pallet Heart Art. I convinced my husband to pick up a pallet for me, but it had been sitting in our driveway waiting for some inspiration for quite a while now. Finally I decided to make some Valentines art with it, but now I like it so much, it’s going to stay up year round. There is some discussion on the safety of using pallets (see here). I had my husband cut the pallet so I would have enough wood to make four boards each 12” x 12”. I then soaked them in hot water with bleach (to kill any bugs) and used an old toothbrush to clean them off. I left them to dry and then we used wood glue and clamps to glue three boards together to achieve the desired size. I made a heart shape template from paper and used that as my guide for the first piece.

That looked boring so I then used kitchen string and wrapped it back and forth across the heart until I was happy with the pattern and tied it off. For the last board I laid out shells on the template and then slid them off onto the boards, adjusting as necessary. Art From Reclaimed Wood Shipping Pallets. Wood shipping pallets are one of the hottest items being repurposed and upcycled today. We've seen potting benches, tables, all types of furniture, and the list goes on. One of my favorite ways to see old pallets being upcycled is when they are turned into some type of art.

Here are a few that you may find interesting... Dr Seuss quote. DIY Rustic Palette Sign. On our way back from Tahoe each year I always drool over the vintage Coca-Cola signs at this little Kramer Junction antique shop. I’m so tempted to buy one but they are always around $500 or up to $1,000. I decided to make my own inspired version of a Coca-Cola sign with a rustic feel to it: First, Mr. Make Wood Pallet Wall Art. [pinit] [pinit] How To Make a (Totally Fake) Antique Sign.

The Real Housewives of Bucks County: Pallet Possibilities {Pallet Wall} Phew! What a whirlwind of a day we had yesterday. Jess wrote all about the craziness in this post. If you're new to our blog from The Nate Show, Crafting with the Stars, or the Intelligencer, WELCOME! We're super excited that you're here and we hope you'll hang out for a while!