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Why Sarah Palin Is Bad for the GOP. To those of you already sick of Palinpalooza, I apologize. Sometimes, a columnist or blogger must yield to the inevitable. This week the political-media universe inevitably belongs to Sarah Palin, the woman whom John McCain thought was the most qualified Republican to be president after himself. Her book release has stirred up the predictable hoopla: Oprah, Barbara, front-page stories, and cable-chat-gone-wild. The early excerpts established a strong narrative: Sarah Barracuda is out for revenge. The sniping is good for book sales. At the moment -- and perhaps for the foreseeable future -- Palin is the most prominent GOPer in the nation.

As goes Palin, so goes the Grand Old Party? The folks leading the GOP ought to tread the Palin path with caution, for they could get caught on the wrong side of a Palin Gap. It's no boost to the credibility of a party if it's most well-known presidential prospect is widely regarded as unfit for that office. There's no telling if she will run in 2012. Is Sarah Palin evil or worse. ABOUT SARAH PALIN I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992. Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools.

Her father was my child's favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the residents of the city. She is enormously popular; in every way she’s like the most popular girl in middle school. It is astonishing and almost scary how well she can keep a secret. She is "pro-life". She is energetic and hardworking. She is savvy. Her husband works a union job on the North Slope for BP and is a champion snowmobile racer. Sarah and her whole family are avid hunters. She's smart. Her experience is as mayor of a city with a population of about 5,000 (at the time), and less than 2 years as governor of a state with about 670,000 residents.

Sarah Palin's brand of populism is dangerous and deceptive. - By. Writing about Sarah Palin in Newsweek last month, I pointed out the crude way in which she tried to Teflon-ize herself when allegations of weird political extremism were made against her. Thus, she had once gone to a Pat Buchanan rally wearing a pro-Buchanan button, but only because she thought it was the polite thing to do. She and her husband had both attended meetings of the Alaskan Independence Party—he as a member—but its name, she later tried to claim, only meant "independent. " (The AIP is a straightforward secessionist party.) She didn't disbelieve all the evidence for evolution, only some of it. She hadn't exactly said that God was on our side in Iraq, only that God and the United States were on the same side.

So there it is: anti-Washington except that she thirsts for it, and close enough (and also far enough away to be "deniable") to the paranoid fringe element who darkly suggest that our president is a Kenyan communist. Well, exactly. Hot Air » Obama organizing group: Palin book tour “dangerous” Hah! Convicted felon Martha Stewart thinks Sarah Palin is danger. Martha Stewart, convicted felon and the most amazingly boring person in the history of television, thinks Sarah Palin is boring and dangerous. Oddly enough, that makes us like Palin even more. Here’s what the genius had to say in an interview with Showbiz Tonight’s producer Jenny D’Attoma: D’Attoma: Now, on to Sarah Palin, why do you think she’s so polarizing to so many people? Stewart: She’s a very boring to me. Very boring, and a very, to me, kind of a, a dangerous person. I mean, to, she’s dangerous.D’Attoma: In what way? Last time we checked out the legs of Martha Stewart and Sarah Palin, only one of them was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet.

And that’s a good thing. Source: Sarah Palin is Dangerous? Only For The Pro-Abortion Status Quo a. By Steven Ertelt | WASHINGTON, DC | LIFENEWS.COM | 11/24/09 9:00 AM State Share Sarah Palin is Dangerous? Only For The Pro-Abortion Status Quo and Its Backers by Maria Vitale Opinion Columnist November 24, 2009 Note: Maria Vitale is an opinion columnist for "Is she dangerous?” What exactly is so dangerous about a woman who, at the present time, holds no political office and has none of the visible trappings of national power?

Palin poses a threat to the status quo because she is a woman with high name recognition who dares to go against the abortion establishment. A Palin Administration would no doubt appoint justices to the U.S. But even if she never won the White House, Sarah Palin could help bring down the Berlin Wall known as Roe. While 90 percent of prenatal diagnoses of Down syndrome result in abortion, Palin bucked the trend by choosing life for a special needs child. Why would one want to kill perfection through abortion? Sally Quinn Says Sarah Palin's a Rotten Christian (Unlike Revere.

Last year, Sally Quinn of the Washington Post found it "devastating " on PBS that Barack Obama would abandon his sulfurous religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, a man "lionized by some of the great white theologians in this country. " Quinn questioned how Wright’s allegedly racist opponents can call themselves Christians: They "go to their white churches, and you wonder how they can call themselves Christians and still look at other people as though they are inferior. " In her role as the co-creator of the Post’s "On Faith" blog, Quinn is at it again , suggesting on Tuesday Sarah Palin was a rotten Christian in her book Going Rogue.

"Palin's book is a screed against everyone who ever done her wrong. " She jokes nastily that maybe it was God’s plan for Palin to "go rogue" from the tenets of Christianity: Quinn thought it was weird that Palin went to Bible Camp and decided to "put my life in my creator's hands and trust Him as I sought my life's path. " Sarah Palin's Parenting Choices Under Fire. Sarah Palin, who has morphed into America's new conservative feminist, has turned the question of women's right on its head, complicating the already contentious Mommy Wars.

Christian conservatives are now touting what some say are "un-family" values, and longtime liberals are finding themselves critical of a woman's choice to raise children and earn a living, calling it "bad parenting. " With five children, including a 5-month-old infant with Down syndrome, the Republican vice presidential nominee faces enormous challenges as the ultimate working mother. And with her unmarried daughter now pregnant, she will have the additional task of being a grandparent.

Many working mothers say their own experience juggling motherhood and a career convinces them that Palin's children will bear the brunt of her choice. Already, 17-year-old Bristol has been dragged into the 24-hour news cycle. Coulter: Mr. Palin Needs to Step In But, she and others concede, Palin will require help. Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin. Martha Stewart Says Sarah Palin Is 'A Dangerous Person' | NewsBu. Martha Stewart on Wednesday said former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is " a dangerous person " and " anyone like that in government is a real problem . " Speaking with HLN's "Showbiz Tonight" producer Jenny D'Attoma, Stewart also said Palin is " very boring " and " confused .

" Ironically, when asked if she has seen any of Palin's recent interviews, Stewart replied without recognizing the hypocrisy, " I wouldn't watch her if you paid me " (video embedded below the fold with transcript, h/t Mediaite ): HLN 'SHOWBIZ TONIGHT' PRODUCER JENNY D'ATTOMA: Now, on to Sarah Palin, why do you think she's so polarizing to so many people?

MARTHA STEWART: She's a very boring to me. Very boring, and a very, to me, kind of a, a dangerous person. I mean, to, she's dangerous. Well, Martha: how do you know Palin's boring, confused, and dangerous if you don't watch her? Typical of liberal elites, isn't it? I love it. Hyla responded: "And I love the whole dangerous thing because on paper, who's been to prison?

Sarah Palin: the Dangerous Airhead. « Economist Innovation Event: Financial Models, Broken or Not? | Main | Social CRM is a Beautiful Emerging Thing » March 28, 2010 Sarah Palin: the Dangerous Airhead This past week in the Huffington Post, Mona Gable writes an amusing but scary account of Palin's most recent examples of her ongoing hunger to become a celebrity and folksy hero, regardless what it takes. Her first example is Palin's documentary deal on Alaska she struck with The Discovery Channel.

Gable writes: "beyond semantics, what were the folks at Discovery Channel thinking? The essence of Gable's piece however is about her "refusal to take responsibility for stirring up violence on the right with her incendiary rhetoric. " She writes about Palin's suggestion that Obama was "paling around with terrorists" when she was running for vice president. Read more, including her final plea for someone to hold Palin accountable and set things straight. TrackBack Comments Post a comment. Martha Stewart Calls Sarah Palin A "Dangerous Person"

A Farewell to Harms. Mona Gable: Why Sarah Palin Is Not Only an Airhead But a Dangero. A while ago I promised myself I was not going to blog about Sarah Palin. Why feed her bottomless ego? I thought. Why give more ink to an airhead? Even when she invaded my turf in LA before the Academy Awards I didn't blink. Even when she and her entourage brazenly crashed a celebrity event and then filched some expensive swag, I shrugged. But now Palin's done something so patently outrageous I can't be silent, much as I'd like. First off, this is the same cable channel that gave us those paragons of good parenting, Jon and Kate Gosselin.

Beyond semantics, what were the folks at Discovery Channel thinking? So good luck with that nature show, Discovery Channel! But my real problem with Palin this week is not her reality show, absurd as it is. Palin has done this before, of course. After the landmark health care vote on Sunday, Palin promptly posted a map of the U.S. targeting vulnerable Democratic members of Congress. Republican leaders have yet to firmly denounce these threats. Why is Sarah Palin the Most Dangerous Woman in America? It's been said that "those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. " Ah, but what do you do when you don't know your history? When you are unaware that a surprisingly similar situation took place decades earlier that may provide clues as to how to avoid making the same mistake this time around? Since John McCain pulled her out of relative obscurity, Sarah Palin has topped the headlines until the financial crisis on Wall Street pushed her off the front page.

Everybody knows who she is today. But will she endure the test of time and be a recognizable figure say 50, 100, or 150 years into the future? Just about 130 years ago, Frances Willard was the Sarah Palin of her time. She was dynamic, charming, and had many followers. Frances Willard also helped women win the right to vote, but her involvement came at great cost to the women's rights movement. One of the first women in the United States to earn her Ph.

Photo © Chris Hondros/Getty Images. Ed Schultz: Sarah Palin is a bad mother.