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Illustration in web design: 30 wonderful examples. If you are looking to spice up your website’s design a little, then you should consider integrating some illustrations in it.

Illustration in web design: 30 wonderful examples

The following websites are good examples of great illustration in web design. 1. Jason Gray 3. Tripwire magazine – Graphic and Web Design Blog.


PrintRadar - Scanning digital space. 14 Stunning And Surreal Cityscapes Made With 3D And Painting Software « PrintRadar - Scanning digital space. Yes they are surreal and imagined, but they also can represent futuristic visions at the same time, so we simply can not avoid the following question. As materials, technology, and humans in general, evolve even more in the future, will we ever live in cities that somewhat look like those you are about to see? Well, we probably won’t, but future generations might.

On the other hand, maybe we are already living in such cities but we just don’t feel like it. What would people from the past centuries say about our cities? They are certainly getting more and more wired and electronically connected each day and maybe the difference between cities today and cities in the future will be something completely different?