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Holiday Stories from Steve and Maggie for Kids. Holiday Stories from Steve and Maggie for Kids. Summer Camps with Steve and Maggie. Magic Holiday with Steve and Maggie. SUMMER - Wykres z etykietami. Summer - Prawda czy fałsz. SUMMER VACATION. On holiday. My summer holidays. Summer - multiple choice. Summer vacation. Lodziarnia. Gra kuchenna, zabawa w sklep, w zapamiętywanie. Summer holidays - crossword. What are they doing? What can they do? Animals. Reading extension 3. Spring festivals ex.3 - Test. Spring festivals - Znajdź parę. Reading extension 3 p. Present Continuous + and - - Test. Present Continuous (T/F) - Prawda czy fałsz.

Present Continuous - Brakujące słowo. Gogo's 23 What are we doing. Gogo 22 What's she doing? English as a Second Language Interactive worksheets. English as a Second Language Interactive worksheets. UNDER THE SEA - Teleturniej. Sea animals - Połącz w pary. Sea animals - Losowe karty. Ćwiczenia str.69. Stars As Children. #ChildrensDay greetings. There is-are + sea animals. Present Continuous matching - Połącz w pary. THere is -there are: There is - there are worksheet. Karta pracy z lekcji 28.05. Karta pracy z lekcji 28.05. The sea. Sea animals Interactive worksheet. The sea-4. Sea animals Interactive worksheet. Mother's Day in POLAND. Sea animals Interactive worksheet. Sea animals Interactive worksheet. Under the sea. Ćwiczenia str. 64. Książka str.56. At the beach - luki. At the beach. Ćwiczenia str.62. On the beach - Wykres z etykietami. English Quest 2 Beach Zone Memory Game - Łączenie w pary.

At the beach - na plaży - Znajdź słowo. At the beach - literowanie. - Anagram. At the beach - Ruletka. Zeszyt ćwiczeń str.61. Memory game. Tiger 3 Unit 5 Telling the time. Unit 6: At the beach. New Tiger 3. Memory game.

Unit 6 - ćwiczenia

Unit 6 - książka. Tiger 3 unit 6 at the beach diagram - Wykres z etykietami. Fiszki TIGER 3 unit 6 - AT THE BEACH. Zeszyt ćwiczeń str.60. Tiger Street Word Rap. Książka strona 51 Unit 6 At the Beach. Klasa 3 Daily routine różne osoby NEA 3. My daily routine. - Missing word. (99) Tiger 3 - Unit 5 'A friend from another country' Workbook. Class Book. Napisz notatkę o swoim dniu. Posłuchaj piosenki. Zaśpiewaj. Posłuchaj piosenki. Zaśpiewaj. Oglądaj i powtarzaj. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Tiger 3 unit 5. - Random wheel. Tiger 3. Unit 5. A typical day. - Image quiz. Tiger 3. Unit 5. A typical day - Match up.

Tiger 3. Unit 5. What time is it? - Matching pairs. Tiger 3 unit 5 - Random cards. Nagranie do zad 2,str.47. Książka str. 47. Zad.1 dla chętnych, zad.2 i 3 dla wszystkich. Daily routine. (54) What do you do every day? - Simple Skits. (54) Kids vocabulary - My Day - Daily Routine - Learn English for kids - English educational video. (54) Every Day! Daily Routine Song for Kids. (54) Morning Routine Song. Daily Activities and Routines Song for Kids. Tiger 3 Unit 5 King Midas a story - Gameshow quiz. Time Practice. CD2 T45 Tiger3. Everyday activities - Bugs Team 3 Unit 4 - Anagram. Everyday activities - Find the match. Hello Explorer 3 - WB . 80 ex. 1 - codzienne czynności 2 - Matching pairs.