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Wordpress. 10 Add-Ons para Firefox para Bloggers. Hoy voy a compartir 10 add-ons para Firefox que pueden ayudar a los bloggers en una variedad de maneras. Algunos ayudan la productividad, algunas de ellas con encontrar y publicar contenido, y algunas de ellas con SEO. ScribeFire Blog Editor Hay una serie de editores de blog offline que trabajan con las principales plataformas de blogs, pero si estás buscando un editor de blogs para utilizar desde el interior de Firefox, dale a ScribeFire un intento.

TimeTracker Ejecución de un blog con éxito requiere un uso eficiente de tu tiempo. Sage Si bien hay muchas opciones a la hora de decidir sobre un lector RSS, Sage funcionará dentro de Firefox y se integra con tu sistema favorito. LinkChecker Muchos bloggers usar un montón de enlaces en sus posts, pero probar la validez de esos vínculos uno por uno puede ser tedioso y consume tiempo. Rank Checker Rank Checker es uno de mis favoritos add-ons a causa de su potencial y facilidad de uso. SEO Link Analysis Link Diagnosis Zemanta Clipmarks Copy as HTML Link.

Twingly Blog Search. 15 Desktop Blogging Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox | Desktop blogging tools can benefit designers-bloggers in a number of ways. They provide extra functionality that can significantly speed up the blogging process for both newbies and professionals. One of the main benefits of using a desktop client is the ability to comfortably write a post offline, and publish it later.

Many clients also have a scheduled post feature, so you can define what time you would like to publish your articles. Some editors provide a spell checker, drafts saver, remote publishing and WYSIWYG-editor with advanced formatting options such as inserting media or structuring the post — they may be hard to deal with using standard online blogging-engines. Let’s take a look at 15 desktop blogging editors which can speed up the blogging process. Windows Live Writer (Windows) Link Windows Live Writer2 is an impressive blog editor, and is probably the cleanest one. MarsEdit (Mac) Link The main advantage of MarsEdit7 lies in its ability to integrate with other text editors. COVERITLIVE.COM - Home. RapidWeaver 4.0 - Powerful Web Design Software for Mac OS X.

RapidWeaver has been in active development for over 12 years, it's also one of the easiest to use website builders on the Mac. It has over 1,000 third-party add-ons, Knowledge Base, User Forum, Free Video Tutorials, Paid Training Courses, Newsletter, Weekly Podcast, User Website Gallery, and there's even a Conference! No other Mac web design app comes close to offering the support and flexibility of RapidWeaver. Build anything from a small personal site, to an online commerce store. RapidWeaver is powerful enough to grow with you and your Business. Why be reliant on someone else to build or update your site for you. Still not convinced? This entire website was built with RapidWeaver! The Newbie Guide to Blogging - Stepcase Lifehack. We live in a blogging world. Whether you’re a business startup, an established business, a freelancer, an intern, a musician, or anyone else, blogging can help you: Make your name or brand visibleConnect with others in your business or interestReach out to the public about issues you’re passionate aboutExpress yourselfUpdate clients or an audience about projects you’re working onShare your knowledgeLearn to write betterShare your life with people important to youConnect with your fans or customersMake money When I started blogging in 2000, it was virtually unheard of, and there were almost no tools to make it easier.

I literally hand-coded every page of my blog — including monthly archive pages, “older posts” pages, and so on. Needless to say, I wasn’t a very prolific blogger the first couple of years! Today, just about anyone can get up and running in a few minutes using free services that make adding a post as easy as writing email. Getting Started To get started: On Being a Blogger. MySkitch. 11 alternativas a YouTube. 100 (Legal) Sources for Free Stock Images. Consejos para bloguers. Las mejores 21 extensiones de Firefox para bloggers. Existe un excelente artículo en que he traducido, es de las 17 extensiones de Firefox para que te sea muy fácil bloggear. Todos los bloggers nos organizamos y escribimos de distinta manera, utilizamos varios navegadores, varias herramientas para buscar y guardar el contenido, somos diferentes al escribir, como tratamos nuestras imágenes, etc. Podemos pensar que ya estamos cómodos con la forma en que nos organizamos, pero siempre podemos mejorar y hacer todavía más fácil y más rápidas nuestras tareas cotidianas.

Esta es la lista de las mejores extensiones de Firefox para bloggers: Buscar y guardar contenido Google Notebook : Resalta el contenido que quieres guardar de cada página. Session Manager : Excelente para la documentación e investigación. CoComment : Guarda los comentarios que escribes en otras websites. Speak It : Esta extensión te lee artículos mientras estás navegando.

DocuFarm : Con esta extensión puedes previsualizar documentos Word, PDFs, etc desde Firefox. 17 Firefox Extensions That Make Blogging Easy. The great thing about the Firefox browser is when you have a problem, there is usually a solution in the form of an extension. As a blog writer, I’ve been using a few that smooth out the experience and get rid of a few annoyances. Here are a few suggestions. Collecting Google Notebook – Highlight the content you want to save, Note it with this extension. You can organize different ‘notebooks’ with their own sections. Each note will have a link back to the original website. Session Manager – Great for doing research and rounding up a few sources. CoComment – Keep tracks of comments you’ve left on other websites. Speak It – Have articles read out to you so you can do the dishes while researching. DocuFarm – This is a cool extension that previews word, PDFs etc within Firefox. Writing Scribefire –’s popular split-browser blog editor.

Spellbound & Google Toolbar - Inline spell-check, ala Microsoft Word. Copy Plain Text – This is a can’t-live-without extension for me. Images. 55 Essential Articles Every Serious Blogger Should Read. Wordpress Themes. Global Variables and the WordPress Loop. My name is Ronald Huereca and am a new author here at WLTC. I come from a technical and business background with a degree in EET and a MS in Business Administration.

I hope to share with the WTLC readers some of little intricacies of WordPress, whether it be theme or plugin related. I have written a few plugins, one called Feed Styler and the other Ajax Edit Comments. I currently write for my personal blog, the Reader Appreciation Project, and Devlounge. When coding a WordPress plugin, one thing that must be quickly mastered is that of the WordPress loop and global variables. With certain WordPress Action and Filters, it’s easier to tell where within the loop certain code is executed. Within this post, I will dissect the WordPress loop so that you might have a better understanding of what variables are available to be called by template tags of functions called from within the WordPress loop.

Within your default index.php theme file, the loop begins when you see this code: <? Conclusion. 25 cosas que debes hacer con tu blog. Bueno, debes hacerlas si vas en serio con la bitácora, si es algo mas que un hobby y pretendes sacar rendimiento de él. Son 25 recomendaciones de marketing para blogs que nos dan en Online Marketing Blogs: 1.- Decide si vas a usar un dominio (, un directorio de tu dominio ( o un subdominio ((, pero no uses sistemas alojados que no te permiten disponer de tu propio nombre de dominio. 2.- Consigue e instala un software personalizable como WordPress o Moveable Type. 3.- Personaliza el aspecto de tu blog. 4.- Busca palabras clave. 5.- Optimiza el blog: * Optimiza la plantilla: Suscripción RSS, código HTML, las etiquetas title, las URLs, sitemap. * Añade plugins útiles. * Crea categorías ricas en palabras clave. 6.- Activa los trackbacks automáticos y los pings. 7.- Crea una cuenta Feedburner y activa las estadísticas de tu feed. 8.- Créate una cuenta en Google Sitemaps. 10.- Da formato a los posts archivados, relacionados.

Haz que tu blog sea compatible con PDA´s. Evita las líneas largas, cuando escribas código, usando CSS. Las etiquetas <pre> sirven para mantener el formato de lo que escribamos entre ellas, es decir, conservar los saltos de línea, los espacios…, en definitiva, sirven para preformatear el texto. Suelen utilizarse cuando tienes que escribir código en tu blog o, por ejemplo, con el plugin para WordPress, Code Markup wordpress plugin, que facilita la tarea de incluir código en los posts.

El problema de la etiqueta <pre>, que es perfecta para escribir código, es que a veces las líneas son demasiado largas. En navegadores como IE, estas líneas no respetan la plantilla y suelen desplazar la barra lateral al final de la página. Para resolverlo tenemos que hacer que el texto entre las etiquetas <pre> quede envuelto (wrapping text). Ésto evitará esos problemas en la mayoría de los navegadores. Artículos relacionados: Diez cosas que DEBES conocer ANTES de registrar un dominio con c.

Blogs desde cero.