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ART WOLFE. Disabled tree. Volute : photographies, peintures et textes. Understanding Resolution. Digital Vs. Analog The traditional analog world was easy to understand. Negatives and prints were continuous tone and one simply made an enlargement from the negative or transparency to the size needed. Today, in the digital environment, many newcomers get-tripped up by the concepts of input and output resolution and terribly confused as to what settings to use, and when. To understand these issues clearly one needs to start with an acceptance of certain physical limitations of the human eye.

Our vision is incapable of discriminating detail below a certain level. This varies from individual to individual and even by the same individual on different days, but more or less this point is at about 200 dots per inch ( 80 dots / centimeter). When an image is composed of dots smaller than this they appear to the eye as continuous tone. Agathla Peak, Arizona Come The Resolution (Bad pun — sorry but I couldn't resist) What you end up seeing are the pixels. Ressing Up What Resolution Do I Need? Scott Camazine Home Page. Editorial Photo - Getty Images Archive Photos.

OSF - Oxford Scientific. Inscribed on the Forest Floor. :photoschau. Pixelated Art [AT] Livejournal [DOT] Com. Free Photoshop Tutorials - Photoshop Web Design - Tutorial Park. ~maeflowerbee. Workflow Technique #051. One of the skills that separates novice photographers from the more experienced is an awareness and control over “Depth of Field” (commonly referred to by its abbreviation “DOF”). Sometimes, to get the shot, we need to use a very small aperture. When we do, not only is the subject in sharp focus, but features in the background and/or foreground can compete for attention.

This tutorial will walk you through the steps in using a new feature in Adobe Photoshop CS: the Lens Blur filter. If you take an image where the subject is at a distance, everything in the image at that same distance will be equally sharp. Figure 1. There are three basic facts to DOF. . • DOF increases as a lens is stopped down (i.e., the f/number is increased); • DOF increases as focal length decreases; • DOF increases with subject distance. Experienced photographers attempt to manipulate these factors in order to control how much of the background and foreground blurs and how strong the blur will be.

I had to choose. Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing.