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Feature: Post Traumatic Stres Disorder PTSD: A Growing Epidemic. For an enhanced version of this page please turn Javascript on. Photo: iStock Years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD ) among military personnel to the attention of the American people as never before. But PTSD is also found among survivors of natural disasters, victims of crime, and many others who have experienced traumatic events. Fast Facts PTSD affects about 7.7 million American adults.

PTSD can occur at any age. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may develop after a terrifying ordeal involving physical harm or the threat of physical harm. War veterans brought PTSD to public attention. People with PTSD may become emotionally numb, especially in relation to people with whom they used to be close. PTSD symptoms seem to be worse if they were triggered deliberately by another person, as in a mugging or rape. Not every traumatized person develops full-blown or even minor PTSD. PTSD and the Military The U.S. Neuroscience and PTSD Treatments.

New Therapy With Stem Cells To Treat Crohn's Disease: Scien. Cellular therapy with stem cells is revolutionizing the focus of treatment of many serious diseases. Replacing the cells of damaged tissue with other new cells from the same patient is already a reality. This is the basis of cellular therapy and regenerative medicine, the latest great advance in biomedicine. In this line, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona is exploring an innovative cellular therapy that uses stem cells to treat Crohn's disease, a chronic genetic disease that affects 1% of the population in Spain and which has considerable impact on the quality of life of the patients.

The procedure is based on an autologous bone-marrow transplant (when patients receive a transplant of their own stem cells) and now constitutes a treatment option to cure an intestinal disease that sometimes does not successfully respond to drugs and requires highly complex surgery that does not provide a cure. Dr. Julián Panés and Dr. Cellular Therapy as a Strategy to Combat Crohn's Disease. Ultimate Boot CD - Overview. TRPV1 receptor in expression of opioid-induced hyp...[J Pain. 20. Fibromyalgia Pain Linked To Central Nervous System Dysfunction: Widespread body pain in fibromyalgia patients is associated with specific brain metabolite abnormalities, according to research in The Journal of Pain. Scientists at Louisiana State University examined 16 fibromyalgia patients to assess the role in fibromyalgia pain played by metabolite abnormalities in the hippocampal region of the brain.

The hippocampus is sensitive to the effects of stress exposure and can be affected in a variety of disorders, like fibromyalgia, which are associated with stressful experiences. Fibromyalgia is considered a stress-related disorder because of the frequent onset and exacerbation of pain symptoms. Brain imaging studies have shown there are central nervous system disturbances that occur in response to pain stimulation. The researchers sought to explore the role of the hippocampus region in fibromyalgia pain, especially in pain perception, cognition and modulation of the central stress response. Welcome - Pain Expo - Dedicated to bringing solutions to those w.

“America’s chronic pain coping expert.” - Managing The Debilitating Effects Of Chronic Pain - Podcast. Finding Effective Treatment for Your Chronic Pain - US News and. Chronic pain is a problem that—when healthcare, lost income, and lost productivity are taken into account—is estimated to cost about $100 billion in the United States each year. More than a quarter of Americans age 20 or older, or about 76.5 million people, say they've experienced pain that lasted longer than 24 hours, according to the American Pain Foundation—and 42 percent have endured pain lasting longer than a year.

Nobody keeps good long-term national stats, but if North Carolina's experience is any guide, the numbers are on the rise: A just-published study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the prevalence of chronic low-back pain in the state more than doubled, to 10.2 percent, between 1992 and 2006. Paul J. Christo, assistant professor and director of the Multidisciplinary Pain Fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, calls undiagnosed, untreated, or undertreated pain a "significant public-health problem.

" How Bad is Your Pain? Stopping Pain Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Requires a Stepped. Complex regional pain syndrome is a disease characterized by severe pain, swelling, and skin changes, according to David N. Maine, MD, director of the Center for Interventional Pain Medicine at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. “It can affect one or multiple extremities [with characteristics including] severe pain and sensitivity, swelling, skin changes [abnormal color] and decreased range of motion,” he says. Injuries triggering the onset of CRPS can range from seemingly mild, such as a twisted ankle, to major, such as a heart attack or stroke, according to Maine. However, the disorder, which can occur at all ages, also may happen with no clear inciting event. In most cases, known as CRPS 1, there is no definable nerve lesion.

Edward Carden, MD, FRCPC, who specializes in pain management at D.I.S.C. One factor that is key to diagnosing CRPS 1 is pain out of proportion to the noxious stimulus, according to Carden. Can a specialist retrain the brain not to feel pain? Consumer Update: A Guide to Safe Use of Pain Medicine FDA.