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Customer service via Twitter

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Médias sociaux > Twitter + Service Client = de la communication avant une vraie utilité ? Lorsque l’on parle Twitter, on peut voir différents usages (cf : Quelle utilisation une entreprise peut-elle faire de Twitter ?) : outil de veille, outil de diffusion de contenus et d’échanges avec les clients (LaRedoute), outil social (Twitter est-il un réseau social ?) , canal de promotion ou de distribution (DellOutlet)… L’un des usages également souvent cités est celui de la Relation Client. Lorsque l’on lit certains blogs, on se rend compte que certains en parlent encore aujourd’hui les yeux émerveillés comme si Twitter révolutionnait la Relation Client et le Service Client (je l’avoue mettre déjà poser cette question en 2008 dans Twitter = nouvel outil du Service Client ? Et il convient de constater que 16 mois après cet article il n’existe que rès peu d’exemples probants) Twitter un outil d’échange direct Quelle utilité pour la Relation Client ? Dans la liste précédente, je n’ai donc pas mis le cas de Service Client, si je me place alors comme client d’une marque.

Is Twitter the Ultimate Customer Service Channel? | Our Blog. Recently, when I couldn’t find the answer to a trivial question (“Why are Post-it notes yellow?”) Via Google, I turned to Twitter, to ask the company behind the product – 3M – the same question directly. Surprisingly, the answer isn’t a commonly known fact, so they had no immediate response for me. Perhaps more surprisingly, the person who runs the account then went out of his way to ensure I was given an accurate answer, eventually interviewing one of the original inventors and posting me the entire transcript of the interview. Before this moment, I had no particular feelings one way or another towards 3M. The second I received that email, I became a committed fan and advocate. It also reminded me of previous interactions on Twitter with companies who exceeded my expectations, like Crystal Ski. Does everyone experience this same high level of service on Twitter?

I first asked which customer service channels/options people expected from companies that they buy products from. Customer Twervice. Twitter and customer service – Starbucks StyleMark Shaw's Twitter Advice & Training. Twitter and customer service – Starbucks Style It is fair to say, that I do love a latte. In fact I would say that I am addicted to them. It is rare that a day goes by, without my fix of a good latte. For the last 18 months or so, I have been a massive Costa Coffee fan. Infact, I think that I have probably single handedly put Costa Coffee Barnet on the map.

Every day, I talk about Costas in Barnet, I have many of my business meetings in there, and the Oxford Circus branch, and yes I do like their latte’s. I am an amazing customer for them, I have not added up what I have spent over the last 18 months, but a latte 5 days per week, at least 3 almond croissants each week, and many a toasted sandwich.. all must add up to a fair amount… Enter Starbucks So there I was on Sunday having just collected my daughter Jessica. This morning was no different, I sat down for my drink, and tweeted, During the course of the day, myself and Darcy exchanged more messages.

Salesforce Integrates Service Cloud With Twitter - PCWorld Business Center. is working to integrate its Service Cloud customer-service platform with the popular messaging service Twitter, the company announced Monday. Salesforce CRM for Twitter, now in beta, will be available this summer at no additional charge for Service Cloud users. Launched in January, the Service Cloud combines concepts like online customer communities, social networking, knowledge base information, and making data from cloud services like Facebook and Twitter available to e-mail, phone and chat-based customer service representatives.

While there's nothing stopping a salesperson from simply using Twitter directly, the integration pulls relevant Twitter conversations into the Service Cloud and allows users to reply directly. In a demonstration of the new capability, showed how someone working for a telecom provider could spot and track a discussion about a headset that a user was having trouble with. How to use Twitter for customer service | The Social Customer. Great customer service is active because you want to be sure your customers are aware of your presence. Twitter gets the word out there fast, so why not take advantage of this social media phenomenon? Ask users to follow you on Twitter by placing a button on your website and getting involved. Twitter employs a relaxed conversational platform. For instance, if someone complains or asks for help, you can reply to them immediately.

Twitter can help you build a positive brand image because great customer service gets the “buzz” which leads to more customers through the attention. Twitter can save you money on customer service. A lot of companies use Twitter to promote their businesses almost daily. Twitter works; it’s popular, and it’s free! Connect: Authored by: Douglas Hanna Douglas Hanna is CEO of A Small Orange, a high-end web hosting company that prides itself on quality customer service and support. See complete profile. How to Get Customer Service via Twitter. There has been a lot of talk lately of companies monitoring social media, be it Twitter, blogs, or social networking sites, for mentions of their company name and responding to customer service issues. Some of this interaction has been in the Twitter community, with Comcast being one of the more active participants as of late.

Although in some cases, customers twittered their frustration after failing to receive the support they needed through traditional methods, in many cases, Twitter was the first place the customers vented their frustration, and then were surprised when they received a response from a support rep or company spokesperson. But what we wanted to find out is which companies are using Twitter for customer service? And how can you get a company's attention via Twitter? Comcast is Watching You Other Customer Support Experiences on Twitter Comcast is certainly not the only company using Twitter for customer service. Another big name on Twitter today is Dell Computers. ... HOW TO: Use Twitter for Customer Service. Customer service can evoke some serious misgivings or negative emotions.

Although customer support is designed to help the consumer, the pain of waiting for a phone representative and the impersonal emails can cause more damage than good for a brand. People are turned off by the term and companies have begun to use different terminology to describe their efforts. This is not how customer service has to be. With the connectivity made possible by social media, companies have found a new way to engage their customers, solve their problems, and build goodwill for their brands: Twitter. Understanding how Twitter can transform customer relations for the better can be substantial for reducing costs and improving brand image. Step 1. Before calling the company executives into a meeting and telling them we must use Twitter, you need to understand just why Twitter and customer service is a match made in heaven.

Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Q&A: BT's Bian Salins on using Twitter for customer service. It’s not often that brands are willing to share the mistakes that occurred during their social media campaigns, even though those are often the most valuable insights. Therefore it was very refreshing to hear Radio France’s head of digital marketing Virginie Cleve talk through a few of the things that didn’t go to plan when the business embarked on a new social strategy.

Cleve was speaking at Socialbakers’ Engage NYC event today where she revealed that the public broadcaster, which has more than 5m daily listeners and attracts 3.5m unique visitors per month to its website, redesigned its digital marketing strategy in 2011 with a new focus on editorial. » How to Use Twitter for Customer Service » Return Customer. Every day people are talking about you and your company.

Sometimes those people have trouble with your service. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could overhear those conversations and jump in and help out? That is where offers you an opportunity to save the day. What is Twitter Think of Twitter as a water cooler where folks gather to talk about what is on their mind. This video covers the basics of Twitter and how it works: Additionally, a recent Wall Street Journal article explains how Twitter works and its associated lingo.

Once you’re up to speed on the basics, sign up for an account at and get started. Set Up Your Profile If you are representing your company, your Twitter user name should be that company name. Listen You can search all the conversations that are happening on Twitter with the right tools. I like where you can see real-time updates of tweets that mention keywords you monitor.

Respond Good Examples Take Action Today More Reading. Problems With Your Checking Account? Try Twitter - Bits Blog. Social media like Twitter change customer service. By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY SAN FRANCISCO — When Wes Harper's high-definition cable service went on the fritz a few months ago, he hopped on Twitter and tried to reach Comcast's customer service reps. At the time, it seemed the best course of action, given Comcast's sterling reputation on the social-media service.

But Comcast ignored him, pushing Harper, a 26-year-old digital-media strategist in Naples, Fla., to take extreme measures. He began a campaign of "flaming" Comcast with withering tweets. Eventually, he got Comcast's attention, and the issue was resolved. Leyl Master Black had quite a different experience. Instead of looking for a Dell rep after her PC's hard drive died, Black got the rep to come to her. After Black griped on Twitter, a blogger friend put Black in touch with a Dell expert.

Such are the vagaries of customer support on Twitter. "Social media is not a panacea," says Blackshaw. The 'instant gratification' trap Consumers certainly are looking for help on Twitter.