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335am. Dido. Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit- Ode to Billie Joe - Bobbie Gentry (BBC Live 1968) Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit- Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to love. His Hand Doesn't Even Move. Eso-news... Yanke go home. Nina Simone/ Feeling Good. Abducted by alien. Nina Simone/ Feeling Good. Nina Simone/ Feeling Good. Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine. Hunter. Hunter S Thompson Paranoia by gonzonl. Thompson. Good hunter. Walken by Kevin Pollak. Eddie Izzard - Christopher Walken. Dullbedsitblogger. §L^XXX∑R - Metallic Philosophy. Matthew Williams & CirclemakersTV. Do They Know It's Christmas? - Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special - BBC One. Oh Doris, Wheres the salad? Nessa off gavin and stacey/ obama osama. Gavin and Stacey- Best Moments.

Gavin & Stacey - Nessa and Bryn sing Islands in the stream. Smithy and Rudi's American Boy rap - Gavin and Stacey - BBC. REALITY T V. Peter Serafinowicz: 50 Impressions, 2 minutes. Wogan stoned. Amy Winehouse - Rehab. Lennonquote. The BeatleBox - Apple vs. Apple. Ringo Remembers 1969. The New Mactini - The Peter Serafinowicz Show Christmas Special - BBC Two. UNDERGROUND VIDEO (UK) UFO Research and Archive Pirate Radio. Red Ice. Tom Baker Doctor Who being childish sometimes. 11th doctor best bits in under 5mins. Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor is a Badass (NEW VERSION SOON)

"I. AM. TALKING!" - Doctor Who - BBC. The Doctor and Davros - Genesis of the Daleks. Doctor Who. Every Jelly Baby Scene - Doctor Who. The Doctor Meets Sutekh. Doctor Who- City of Death (The Funniest Moment in 26 years) Best moments of Dory - Finding Nemo. Pixar's Up: Funny Scenes. Finding Nemo - Just Keep Swimming. Home - Gnostic Media. Lumen. Kabbalah image by Paul Guess. The Trivium & Quadrivium Re-Education. Eso-news... Klaus Dona. The Hidden History of the Human Race. Project Avalon 2010. Klaus Dona - Mysterious Artifacts from Secret Collections - Megalithomania 2012 preview.

Paul Stonehill - MUFON-LA (1 of 1) Gnosticism/Hermetica/Alchemy. UP, Una aventura de altura 1/2. Dune .....folding space. Jan Irvin. Untold history. Ancient civilizations or fabrication. "conspiracy" / hokey but still interesting. Alternative History / Independent Perspectives - Videos/Articles. URGENT RELEASE: The CIA's Terence McKenna FOIA request response - POSITIVE affiliation. Following the original research I put out on R.

URGENT RELEASE: The CIA's Terence McKenna FOIA request response - POSITIVE affiliation

Gordon Wasson on May 13, 2012, in an article titled “Magic Mushrooms and the Psychedelic Revolution: Beginning a New History” – or “The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms” – which revealed R. Gordon Wasson as a CIA agent or asset, in late August I put out the following article in regard to some very interesting findings regarding Terence McKenna, Aldous Huxley and the Esalen institute. For those interested in reading this original article, see ”How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history“. Further information on this topic is put forth in these recent videos: “Turning the Tables”, and Prof. Jay Fikes, Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin – “A Conversation about Mind Control”. Following up with the above papers and database leads, recently I filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Terence Kemp McKenna (amongst others) with the CIA.

Joe Atwill, Fritz Heede, and Nijole Sparkis, titled “A Round Table Discussion on Caesar’s Messiah, and more” - #152. Podcast Archives Note: In order to help cover costs, all podcasts older than 3 months are listed in the “Podcast Archive” and are available for play/download for supporting members and friends only.

Joe Atwill, Fritz Heede, and Nijole Sparkis, titled “A Round Table Discussion on Caesar’s Messiah, and more” - #152

Each account is allowed up to 10 separate IP address log ins. This means that if you only use 1 of the 10, 9 friends and family members may share your account and use the other available 9 IP addresses (you may also use them for work, on your tablet, at home, etc.). If you and your family and friends pitch in, that’s only $1.50 each for 1 week’s access. However, if more than 10 different locations are used, your account will be locked for 24 hours. For FREE registration WITHOUT access to the podcast archives, go here. 1 week unlimited access to the podcast archives – $15 (One time only. $12 to renew. Red Ice Radio: Jan Irvin - Hour 1 & 2 - Gordon Wasson & The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms. August 9, 2012 Jan Irvin is an independent researcher, author and lecturer, speaking at both academic and public venues.

Red Ice Radio: Jan Irvin - Hour 1 & 2 - Gordon Wasson & The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms

He is the host of Gnostic Media and the curator of the official website for John Marco Allegro. Jan returns to discuss his latest research on Gordon Wasson, an influential New York banker and the godfather of the modern psychedelic movement. According to the historical record Wasson, an amateur mycologist, first ‘discovered’ ‘magic’ mushrooms. Irvin shares his evidence which points to the possibility of a secret history of the mushroom in the elite power structures of the west. Jan explains how the psychedelic/hippie movement was a psyop and can provide a window into how the elites run their mind control systems. Relevant Where Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom Begin. Groucho Marx. Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 – August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star.[1] He was known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the best comedians of the modern era.[2] His rapid-fire, often impromptu delivery of innuendo-laden patter earned him many admirers and imitators.

Groucho Marx

He made 13 feature films with his siblings the Marx Brothers, of whom he was the third-born. He also had a successful solo career, most notably as the host of the radio and television game show You Bet Your Life.[1] His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, glasses, cigar, and a thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows. These exaggerated features resulted in the creation of one of the world's most ubiquitous and recognizable novelty disguises, known as "Groucho glasses": a one-piece mask consisting of horn-rimmed glasses, large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache.[3] BONZO DOG BAND Canyons of Your Mind and Lyrics. Sir Henry at Rawlinson's End by Vivian Stanshall.

Vivian Stanshall, The Pied Piper in a Garret in the Palace. Vivian Stanshall's Week (part 1of 3) Viv Stanshall - Terry Keeps His Clips On.