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Bargava. 20 amazing examples of WebGL in action. WebGL is a JavaScript API based on the well-known OpenGL 3D graphics standard, and it gives JavaScript plugin-free access to the graphics hardware, via the HTML5 canvas element.

20 amazing examples of WebGL in action

It's thanks to WebGL that we can include real-time 3D graphics in web pages. Teriyaki Salmon Recipe - Major salmon fans over here.

Teriyaki Salmon Recipe -

This teriyaki salmon recipe is a winner! How to Detect if Numbers are Random or Not - AnalyticBridge. In this article, you will learn some modern techniques to detect whether a sequence appears as random or not, whether it satisfies the central limit theorem (CLT) or not -- and what the limiting distribution is if CLT does not apply -- as well as some tricks to detect abnormalities.

How to Detect if Numbers are Random or Not - AnalyticBridge

Detecting lack of randomness is also referred to as signal versus noise detection, or pattern recognition. It leads to the exploration of time series with massive, large-scale (long term) auto-correlation structure, as well as model-free, data-driven statistical testing. No statistical knowledge is required: we will discuss deep results that can be expressed in simple English. Most of the testing involved here uses big data (more than a billion computations) and data science, to the point that we reached the accuracy limits of our machines.

So there is even a tiny piece of numerical analysis in this article. 1. This more general version of CLT can handle cases like our sequences. Mystery of Ultrastrong Roman Concrete Solved — NOVA Next. Italy’s shores are dotted with Roman sea walls that have withstood 2,000 years of relentless beating by salty waves, conditions that would reduce our concrete structures to rubble within years.

Mystery of Ultrastrong Roman Concrete Solved — NOVA Next

What’s more, the Roman variant strengthened under the exposure. How, until now, has remained a mystery. Scientists analyzed the chemistry of the ruins from four sites along Italy’s Mediterranean coast, discovering that the Roman concrete was made of rare volcanic ash, minerals, lime, and chunks of volcanic rock. Grimm. To Settle Infinity Question, a New Law of Mathematics. In the course of exploring their universe, mathematicians have occasionally stumbled across holes: statements that can be neither proved nor refuted with the nine axioms, collectively called “ZFC,” that serve as the fundamental laws of mathematics.

Most mathematicians simply ignore the holes, which lie in abstract realms with few practical or scientific ramifications. But for the stewards of math’s logical underpinnings, their presence raises concerns about the foundations of the entire enterprise. “How can I stay in any field and continue to prove theorems if the fundamental notions I’m using are problematic?” Asks Peter Koellner, a professor of philosophy at Harvard University who specializes in mathematical logic. Chief among the holes is the continuum hypothesis, a 140-year-old statement about the possible sizes of infinity. Log In - New York Times. Log In Don't have an account?

Log In - New York Times

Sign up here » Facebook. The Scala Programming Language. Written By: Martin Odersky A Scalable language Scala is an acronym for “Scalable Language”.

The Scala Programming Language

This means that Scala grows with you. You can play with it by typing one-line expressions and observing the results. Play-scala-ebean/HomeController.scala at master · patrick-melo/play-scala-ebean. Et voilà pourquoi l’allemand met le verbe à la fin - Le Temps. Le Temps: Dans votre livre* «Penser entre les langues», vous écrivez, à propos du «Hochdeutsch»: «Cette langue qui, pour être parlée, suppose que les locuteurs soient libérés de la contingence des affects.»

C’est exactement l’argument avancé par les Alémaniques pour défendre leur emploi du dialecte. Les Allemands parlent-ils donc aussi le dialecte en famille? Heinz Wismann: Par Hochdeutsch, on désigne la langue allemande codifiée, imposant le respect strict de ses règles syntaxiques. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. 3Blue1Brown. Meet Our Team. Daniel Kahneman. Des accidents de la route pas si accidentels, par Matthieu Grossetête (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2016) Voici une inversion de courbe qui fait peu parler d’elle.

Des accidents de la route pas si accidentels, par Matthieu Grossetête (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2016)

Pour la première fois depuis la naissance des politiques de sécurité routière, en 1972, quand la France enregistrait plus de 18 000 décès accidentels par an, la réduction du nombre de morts est contrariée deux années de suite. Fast Pot-Stickers Recipe. Build a chat bot in ten minutes with Watson - IBM Watson. We recently released the Watson Conversation service to make the difficult task of automatically understanding and responding to customers as simple as possible.

Build a chat bot in ten minutes with Watson - IBM Watson

The service provides a nifty GUI for training and configuring intents and dialog flow. As part of the launch, we’ve created some handy getting started resources, including a video, a demo, and a basic tutorial. Being the type who likes things very simple, I felt it would be good to have an incredibly basic tutorial. What I am going to share with you is a super simple chat bot designed for customer service.

When I say super simple, I mean exactly that—it doesn’t do much, but it provides an opportunity to learn the core functionality of the Conversation service with a few best practices thrown in. Getting started on Bluemix. Pearltrees Extension.