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Famous Last Words. "A lot of people, on the verge of death, utter famous last words or stiffen into attitudes, as if the final stiffening in three days' time were not enough; they will have ceased to exist three days' hence, yet they still want to arouse admiration and adopt a pose and tell a lie with their last gasp. " — Henri de Montherlant. They'd better be Anonymous Some not so Real Ones "He bubba, watch this ! " — Any redneck. "I drank what ? " — Socrates. "Happy Ides of March, Brutus. " — Julius Caesar. " And if you want to do something after you're dead, check this site out. A man hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. I want to dedicate the following to Jennifer who was misdiagnosed several times in a row by cretin doctors and could have died of a Leptospirosis if it wasn't for the information I found on Internet: Things Not to Hear During Surgery Better save that. Medical Reports The following quotes were taken from actual medical records dictated by physicians.

A death. Line Rider - beta by ~fsk on deviantART. Clearification. Daily Show: What Exactly Is President Bush's Job?