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36 steps to success as technical lead. The “tech lead” role can be treacherous at times. While the name implies “leadership“, most of the times it doesn’t come with implied authority like a manager role for example. It often happens that this role is in a no-man’s-land where it brings a lot of responsibility but not enough formal authority. In order to successfully help a project from this position one has to navigate through narrow and convoluted straits.The role is not clearly defined in most companies and it is placed in a continuumstarting at the senior programmer level and extending to architecture and management positions. More often than not the “tech lead” shares the responsibility for a project without being given full formal authority. In this kind of situation success will be based on the ability of the “tech lead” to combine his “tech” and “lead” talents in a manner that will get results from the team and will get approval and support from the management and the business.

Set yourself up for success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Animation of processes inside living cells. IIS7, ASP.NET 2.0, Atlas and VS 2005 End to End Talk. Many thanks to everyone in New Zealand who attended my "ASP.NET: End-to-End - Building a Complete Web Application Using ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and IIS7 (Parts 1 and 2)" talk this afternoon.

You can download the slides from my talk here. You can then download the application I built here (note: this .zip file is actually the version I published after the US TechEd, but is the same code I wrote on stage today). There is a "ReadMe.txt" file in the root of the demos .zip file that walksthrough how to setup the demos. I've included two versions of the app -- one is in the "IIS7" directory and allows you to run the application using IIS7 on Windows Vista Beta2. The other is a slightly modified version of the sample that also works on IIS5, IIS6, and the built-in VS 2005 Web Server. The difference is that the non-IIS7 version doesn't use URL-rewriting for the pretty-URL feature. Hope this helps, Scott.