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For Some Reason, the New York Times Published a Story on Non-Married Spouses Who Call Each Other Things Like 'Fusband' This made me laugh. I call my long-term live-in boyfriend my partner as well ("boyfriend" sounds a bit silly when you're beyond your college years, I feel), and when I was out to dinner with my parents and some of their friends a few months ago, I referred to him as such. My sister finally grabbed me aside and hissed, "oh my God, I keep having to stress the 'he' of your relationship, so they don't think you're a lesbian! Stop calling him your partner; you're straight!

" I calmly pointed out that I wasn't personally bothered what they thought about my sexuality, and went along merrily using partner, silently giggling to myself at the squirming I was causing to this group of conservative Catholics. I'm the most pro-gay-rights person you'll meet. I marched in the pride parade when I was 13. You can't say "business partner? " When "Boyfriend" Isn't Enough and "Husband" Is Too Much. Have you ever heard that in Alaska, Eskimos have about a dozen different words for describing snow? There are so many different types of snowfall that they have created words to specify exactly which type of snow they are talking about. Well it looks like our next mission is to come up with a dozen different words for describing a serious relationship. There are so many different types of love lives happening out there that simple terms like boyfriend, fiance, and husband don’t always do the situation justice anymore.

Boyfriend is fine when you’re between the ages of, say, 12-35. Somewhere in your mid-30s, the word “boyfriend” becomes embarrassing somehow. Some people would say you should have a “fiancé”, a “husband” or even an “ex-husband” by now. Just to clarify, I am not one of those people. We all know by now that the old rules are out the window. So how else can we paint the full picture of your adult relationship with just one word? These are just some ideas. Beurs van Berlage - 21 Zalen - Uniek expo- & congrescentrum in Amsterdam. Amsterdam Roest. Home. Westergasterras.