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Africa Map. African Continent. Colouring Book of Flags: index. History of Haiti - Toussaint Louverture. Toussaint Louverture Social historian James G. Leyburn has said of Toussaint Louverture that "what he did is more easily told than what he was. " Although some of Toussaint's correspondence and papers remain, they reveal little of his deepest motivations in the struggle for Haitian autonomy. Born sometime between 1743 and 1746 in Saint-Domingue, Toussaint belonged to the small, fortunate class of slaves employed by humane masters as personal servants. While serving as a house servant and coachman, Toussaint received the tutelage that helped him become one of the few literate black revolutionary leaders.

Upon hearing of the slave uprising, Toussaint took pains to secure safe expatriation of his master's family. Le Cap fell to French forces, who were reinforced by thousands of blacks in April 1793. Two black leaders who warily refused to commit their forces to France, however, were Jean-François and Biassou. Nationalhymnen - national anthems - himnos nacionales. download music Musik wav au mid midi files.