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Study: 'Leisure browsing' increases productivity. Updated at the end with response to some reader comments Here's some good news that you should forward to your boss.

Study: 'Leisure browsing' increases productivity

A study conducted in Australia found that people who engage in "Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing" (WILB) are more productive than those who don't. Wilfing on the web, the new British pastime. It is the virtual equivalent of window-shopping, and a lot of us seem to be spending a lot of time doing it.

Wilfing on the web, the new British pastime

"Wilfing" - or surfing the web without any real purpose - has become a new national pastime, according to a survey out today. Although a newly-identified habit, more than two-thirds of the 33.7 million internet users in the UK admit to at least the occasional "wilf" (a term derived from the phrase "what was I looking for?

"), while browsing the internet.