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Distraction and issues. WILFING - WILBING. The History of Email [INFOGRAPHIC] Email, you've come a long way, baby. In its 40-year tenure as a form of communication, email has run its course from the domain of über nerdy computer scientists to one of the most common ways to keep in touch, both personally and professionally. Although email as a mode of communication was around for ten years before the term "email" was actually coined, we now count on it in our daily lives. In fact, the use of email has become so pervasive that the Oxford English Dictionary recently added a slew of email acronyms to its official canon. And finally, just this year, the AP Stylebook, a.k.a. the holy book of all (or most) journalists, amended the spelling of e-mail to email, allowing articles such as this one to save bigtime on hyphens.

SEE ALSO: The History of Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] To give you a timeline of email's progress through the decades, here's a commemorative 40th anniversary infographic from email delivery company Reachmail. Click image to see larger version. America According to Twitter: U.S. Cities Remixed [INFOGRAPHIC] @pontifex, le plan com' du Vatican. M le magazine du Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Philippe Ridet Comme toujours, trois plantes vertes tentent – sans succès – d'égayer la tribune. comme toujours, la salle de presse a cet air triste et fonctionnel d'un salon de conférence au sous-sol d'un grand hôtel.

Comme toujours, ça commence à l'heure. Ici les traditions ont la vie dure. Nous sommes au Vatican, même si l'édifice de la sala stampa (salle de presse) du Saint-Siège, via della Conciliazione, à Rome, est géographiquement situé en territoire italien, à 100 mètres de la frontière matérialisée par la barrière de bois qui marque l'entrée de la place Saint-Pierre. Ce 2 décembre, le Vatican annonce au monde l'ouverture imminente du compte Twitter du pape Benoît XVI : @pontifex. Dix jours plus tard, pas moins de 700 000 "followers" liront son premier tweet publié en huit langues. Le Vatican n'a pas jugé utile de mettre les petits plats dans les grands pour cette nouvelle qui excite la presse mondiale.

Ce sera tout ? Coïncidence ? Tout le monde s'étonne que @FHDR en ai plein le cul de Twitter et vire sa TL, et s'il l'a fait c'es. In defence of anonymous pricks - Unleashed. Find More Stories In defence of anonymous pricks Chas Licciardello The web has been around for around 20 years now, but sometimes it seems people have been bemoaning anonymous internet trolls for the last 20,000.

The latest iteration of this ancient dance came yesterday from Paul Howes in . Howes’ argument focused particularly upon the effect anonymous abuse might have on politics, and it consisted of two major points - that politics is a horrible job; and that political candidates may be driven away by the hatred they face on the internet. I think we can all agree that politics is a tough game - the work hours, the travel, the pressure, the alienation, and Canberra, not to mention the ever-present threat of being accosted by a TV pest in an overly-literal costume.

But Howes’ argument is self-refuting. Politics would have to be one of the most stressful careers there is. You hear this one a lot – public figures decrying the ‘cowardice’ of anonymous commentary. It’s quite simple, really. X. Les narcistes Twittstory en une. Les gens de l’Internet aiment à se gargariser de la notion d’INFLUENCE. Personnellement, j’y crois peu. Mais puisqu’elle est au centre de nombre de débats et qu’elle est le moteur d’un certain nombre de gens, autant maîtriser les mots et phénomènes qui entourent ce concept. Dans ma grande générosité, je t’offre donc, cher Internet mondial, ce petit lexique de l’influence, de ses déclinaisons, de ses manifestations et de ses conséquences. Au commencement était donc l’INFLUENCE : fantasme des gens de l’Internet mondial, qui croient qu’un blog ou un tweet lus par beaucoup de gens ont un impact sur le comportement desdits gens (qui seraient bien indigents, comme gens, si c’était le cas)

. « Mmmmmh, j’ai goûté le nouveau Banania, j’en suis devenu dingo, on peut vraiment dire « Y a bon Banania » !! Vous serez sans doute des millions à faire le siège du supermarché du coin pour vous procurer ce produit toutes affaires cessantes, je n’en doute pas un instant. Un Twitto vraiment très confluent. The Way We Live Now - I Tweet, Therefore I Am. Matthew Pillsbury/Bonni Benrubi Gallery I came late to . I might have skipped the phenomenon altogether, but I have a book coming out this winter, and publishers, scrambling to promote 360,000-character tomes in a 140-character world, push authors to rally their “tweeps” to the cause. Leaving aside the question of whether that actually boosts sales, I felt pressure to produce.

I quickly mastered the Twitterati’s unnatural self-consciousness: processing my experience instantaneously, packaging life as I lived it. I learned to be “on” all the time, whether standing behind that woman at the supermarket who sneaked three extra items into the express check-out lane (you know who you are) or despairing over human rights abuses against women in Guatemala.

Each Twitter post seemed a tacit referendum on who I am, or at least who I believe myself to be. Distilling my personality provided surprising focus, making me feel stripped to my essence. Newspapers and technology: Network effects. Media140 Sydney 2009. 15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends. One of the great things about TwitterTwitter reviews is that it is a great place to track emerging trends. When major events or big stories occur, people tweet about it and it inevitably ends up at the top of Twitter Search as a top trend. But this only scratches the surface of tracking Twitter trends. There are a wide variety of web applications, Twitter accounts, and even iPhone apps that can help people do everything from track popular hashtags to graph out recent Twitter trends. As Twitter grows, this information will only become more useful for understanding what is popular at any given moment, or even what was popular in the past.

Web-based Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Twitter Accounts 8. twithority: Twithority is an easy way to have the most recent Twitter trends tweeted to you. 9. 10. 11. gtrend: gtrend is short for "Google Trend. " iPhone Apps 12. 13.

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Media140 Sydney 2009 on USTREAM: Future of Journalism in the Soc. Watch without ads Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords or With email or username Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Go live! Find more broadcasts Expand Video Media140 Sydney 2009 Follow Following Unfollow 13 followers Watch without ads Flag this content Please select your reason for flagging this video as inappropriate from the dropdown below.

If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please do not flag this content but instead report alleged copyright violations on our DMCA notice form. Cancel or Remove ads Create Highlight Media140 Sydney 2009 Technology - Conference 13 followers 8,745 views Follow Following Unfollow Future of Journalism in the Social Media AgeAn international collaboration asks “What is the future of journalism in the Social Media Age?”.

How to say stupid things about social media | Cory Doctorow | A woman checks Twitter on an iPhone Photograph: Sarah Lee Here are some suggested things to say if you want to sound like an idiot when you talk about social media: • It's inconsequential – most of the verbiage on Twitter, Facebook and the like is banal blather Yes, it certainly is. The reason for that is that most of it is "social grooming" – messages passed between friends and family members as a way of maintaining social cohesion. The meaning of the messages isn't "u look h4wt dude" or "wat up wiv you dawg?

" I don't call my parents in Canada and recount the latest additions to my daughter's vocabulary because they need to know that the kid can say "elephant" and "potty" now; I call them up to say, "all is well with your son and his family", and "you are in my heart", and "I love you". Criticizing the "banality" of Facebook conversation is as trite and ignorant as criticising people who talk about the weather. Yes, people sometimes say consequential things on social media. Web Strategy Matrix: Google Buzz vs Facebook vs MySpace vs Twitt. Five Reasons Why Corporate Blogs Fail - Technorati Guru. Corporate blogging has become incredibly popular in the business to business (B2B) sector.

Industries that were once thought inhospitable to blogs, these tools are not only popping up but are making a profound difference in marketing, relationship cultivation and client interaction. Yet too often, the full potential isn’t realized. Corporate blogs either don’t deliver on expectations or, worse, are left to suffer a quiet, lonely death. When this happens, of course, blogs themselves are blamed, with little consideration given to the fact that execution (rather than platform) was flawed. All the talk you hear of building an audience organically, waiting to go viral and other social media swill is worth what you pay for it.

The only way to succeed is to apply brute force. But, enough about success – that’s the kind of thing that makes corporate blogging seem easy. 1. 2. Continued on the next page. "90-9-1" Rule for Participation Inequality: Lurkers vs. Contribu. Led by Facebook, Twitter, Global Time Spent on Social Media Site. According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years. Globally, social networks and blogs are the most popular online category when ranked by average time spent in December, followed by online games and instant messaging.

With 206.9 million unique visitors, Facebook was the No. 1 global social networking destination in December 2009 and 67% of global social media users visited the site during the month. Time on site for Facebook has also been on the rise, with global users spending nearly six hours per month on the site. U.S. Growth in Average time Person on Facebook and Twitter Outpaces Growth of Overall Category.

GigaTweet - Counting the number of twitter messages. A new Twitter record - 3282 tweets per second | Social Media Tod. On average Twitter sees 750 tweets per second being sent out says the Blog Herald. By comparison, a Twitter record was broken twice in succession last week, first during the NBA basketball finals in the States, and second during the Japan / Denmark match in the World Cup. The Los Angeles Lakers / Boston Celtics game saw 3085 tweets per second being posted…but that record was quickly broken during the Japan vs Denmark 1st round World Cup match to see who would qualify for the 2nd round (Japan) when 3282 tweets per second were sent out.

Two observations around those stats: 1 - It’s another sign of live TV becoming a shared social experience via networks such as Twitter. Even though they might be watching a World Cup match on their own, people are tapping into a wider network of friends online, exchanging comments with them. The rise of social TV has been seen around everything from political debates to reality TV show finals (such as X-Factor here in the UK) La crise du lien. Ce post est #oldlink-safe La crise du lien Par Henry Michel Ikezukuri L’Ikezukuri (ou Ikizukuri, 活造り) est une forme de préparation du sashimi, rare et appréciée au Japon, consistant à vider, ouvrir et servir le poisson encore vivant au client. L’animal, chair à l’air, suffoque et palpite tandis que le gourmet s’en délecte, s’assurant avec satisfaction de la fraîcheur extrême du met préparé. Si les nippons ont une obsession du poisson plus-que-frais qui les mène à le manger encore vivant, cette exigence n’est rien face à celle d’une certaine communauté d’Internet vis à vis du lien.

On ne donnera pas de nom, à cette communauté de journalistes, bloggueurs, veilleurs, consultants chefs de projet en marketing/communication, geeks, ou simples pro-amateurs du lol, pour qui l’échange du lien le plus drôle et le plus frais possible est source de joie quotidienne. La chaine du froid Nous nous sommes essayés à cartographier ce parcours tel qu’il semble nous apparaitre en Mars 2010. Photo (cc) : CNU.