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Populism ExtremeRight

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Europe: The persistence of racism & the fascist threat. Golden Dawn’s MPs in the Greek parliament by KEVIN OVENDEN Below are the points, updated and a little amplified, I made in a contribution to the highly successful Unite Against Fascism conference in London on 2 March.

Europe: The persistence of racism & the fascist threat

The speech (and I’ve incorporated my summing up) was in a workshop with Petros Constantinou from Greece, Marwan Mohammed from France and Glyn Ford MEP from Britain, who all made extremely clear and thought-provoking contributions. 1) The rise of racism, anti-immigrant sentiment and of a spectrum of forces to the Right of the traditional centre-right in Europe is pronounced. C'est l'histoire d'un mec... L’extrême droite bat le pavé parisien. Participation en hausse pour le traditionnel défilé de mai.

L’extrême droite bat le pavé parisien

À noter cette année, un cortège unitaire du Front populaire solidariste et la participation de l’Œuvre française et ses Jeunesses nationalistes. Croix celtiques au début du cortège. © Julien Licourt L’extrême droite radicale a fait son défilé annuel, dimanche 13 mai, rue de Rivoli, à Paris. Les mots d’ordre étaient multiples cette année mais dans la droite ligne des appels des années précédentes. À savoir: “Pour la France, Jeanne d’Arc, contre la mondialisation et pour la mémoire de Sébastien Deyzieu”. Sophia aram: Un article qui tranche ave... Dailymotion - Gros cons ? - une vidéo Funny. Voter front national, une connerie. “On nous explique que ce sont des gens malheureux, qu’ils sont tristes.

Voter front national, une connerie

Du coup ils votent Le Pen pour manifester leur chagrin” S. Aram le 23 mars 2011 La vulgarisation de l’espace médiatique fait qu’en ces temps d’extrême droite dilatée, chaque commentateur émet sa petite musique dont l’objectif un peu fou consiste à endiguer ses poussées électorales. Chaque fait, détail, geste méticuleusement disséqués au regard de ce que pourrait penser l’hypothétique votant du Front National. Tous les arguments alors se valent, lancés à l’encan, de la diabolisation à la dédiabolisation, du manque de fond ou de l’attitude trop ou pas assez pugnace des médias.

En expert F. De plus, l’attitude consistant à sonder l’âme du gueux à la dérive, ne sachant plus à quel démon se vouer pour faire entendre ses plaintes stridulantes relève d’une analyse partielle du phénomène. Front national : les “gros cons” et les “salauds”… Petite remarque à caractère historique… Hier, Sophia Aram dans sa chronique humoristique de France Inter a lancé à propos des électeurs du FN (après avoir passé un extrait sonore) : “Même si on n’a plus le droit de dire que ce sont des gros cons, c’est quand même pas mal imité, non ?”

Front national : les “gros cons” et les “salauds”…

Je ne porte aucun jugement sur son propos : l’humoriste a tous les droits. En revanche, la posture a rappelé quelque chose au modeste archéologue de l’observation du Front national… “…Car si Le Pen est un salaud, ceux qui votent pour eux sont des salauds…” (à 38″). C’était en 1992. Nous serons bientôt en 2012. Classes moyennes ou classes populaires. The rise of the Radical Right.

In the first of a three part series, Dr Geoff Davies considers the worldwide shift to the political Right since the 1980s, and how traditional conservatives have now become radicals.

The rise of the Radical Right

There has been a world-wide shift to the political Right, beginning about 1980 and since then becoming progressively more extreme. This Rightward drift may have been interrupted in the recent elections in the United States, but it may well accelerate in Australia if the Coalition wins in September. Already there has been serious damage to our social fabric, our democratic institutions and our legal and human rights, with rather less economic benefit than is usually claimed.

The rise of the Radical Right (Part Two): False economics. In this second part of his three part series, Dr Geoff Davies looks at the causes of the dramatic political shift to the Right since the 1980s, along with its flimsy basis.

The rise of the Radical Right (Part Two): False economics

[Read Part One: A dramatic shift to the right] [Read Part Three: Consequences and prospects] The rise of the Radical Right (Part Three): Australia today. In this final part of his three part series, Dr Geoff Davies surveys the current political scene, including the disarray of the Labor Party, from a longer perspective.

The rise of the Radical Right (Part Three): Australia today

[Read Part One: A dramatic shift to the right] [Read Part Two: Causes of the shift to the right] There has been a dramatic shift to the political Right compared with the postwar decades, and what is now called Right is radical rather than conservative. The perversion of social democracy in Australia - The Drum Opinion. Find More Stories The perversion of social democracy in Australia Amy Mullins The somewhat under-recognised British historian Tony Judt (1948-2010) delivered a landmark lecture in 2009 called, ‘ What Is Living and What Is Dead In Social Democracy? ' In it he raises remarkably poignant and palpable points regarding the origin, the flourishing success and the latent decline of the social democratic tradition. What is most haunting is just how closely Judt’s observations can be applied to the nebulous operation of social democracy in Australia today and its place within its local ideological home, the Australian Labor Party.

I don't think I'm taking a great leap in saying we all have an intuitive feeling that Labor has a pervasive inability to communicate its policies to the public. The Leader of Oz: No heart, no brain, no courage. So after stalling on climate change, pushing boatpeople offshore and declaring billions in cuts to maintain a budget surplus at all costs, the Prime Minister has now announced a crackdown on welfare recipients . The last discernible difference between Julia Gillard and John Howard has now finally been extinguished. Of course I exaggerate: There are in fact two major differences between Gillard and Howard. 1) Howard actually believed in what he was doing; and 2) Under Howard we would have actually had an emissions trading scheme by now.

So let us recalibrate our earlier position: Julia Gillard, a Labor Prime Minister who once claimed to be a socialist, now, with the help of the Greens, sits to the right of John Howard. Down and out in Centrelink and NewStart - The Drum Opinion. A vote for anarchy. The political philosopher Jacques Rancière would like to encourage the disruption of the normal order that is real democracy.

A vote for anarchy

Jean-Claude Milner : Les penchants criminels de l'Europe démocratique. Jacques Rancière. Jacques Rancière (born 1940) is a French philosopher, Professor of Philosophy at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris (St.

Jacques Rancière

Denis) who came to prominence when he co-authored Reading Capital (1968), with the structural Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser.[1] Life and work[edit] Rancière contributed to the influential volume Reading Capital (though his contribution is not contained in the partial English translation) before publicly breaking with Althusser over his attitude toward the May 1968 student uprising in Paris; Rancière felt Althusser's theoretical stance didn't leave enough room for spontaneous popular uprising.[2] Since then, Rancière has departed from the path set by his teacher and published a series of works probing the concepts that make up our understanding of political discourse, such as ideology and proletariat.

Influence[edit] Selected bibliography[edit] Hatred of Democracy. I read Ranciere's Hatred of Democracy yesterday.

Hatred of Democracy

There is something appealing in his discussion of the scandal of democracy, although, ultimately, I'm not convinced of his underlying thesis. What's appealing? Ranciere's emphasis on chance (he gets here via a reading of Plato). The drawing of lots attests to a form of government that allows a role for chance, that is, for those with no claim to rule actually to rule. Ranciere argues, then, that democracy is well understood as a law of chance.

Rancière, for Dummies. By Ben Davis Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics, 116 pp., Continuum, 2006, $12.95. The 66-year-old French philosopher Jacques Rancière is clearly the new go-to guy for hip art theorists. Dealing with the Real Anders Breivik. The 'lessons' of Breivik. Monday, 23 April 2012 19:13 Written by Gavan Titley.