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Linux file permissions. Installing fonts in your home directory on Fedora 12 « tactical vim. Font installation/usage in Fedora has come a long way over the years, it’s easier than ever to just drop some TrueType fonts onto your system especially if you only care about your personal login being able to use them; on a single user laptop that makes things easier, cleaner and quicker than messing around over in /usr/share/fonts/.

installing fonts in your home directory on Fedora 12 « tactical vim

(and less prone to forgetting/losing things during an upgrade). This is for a GNOME desktop, KDE may use another method. Obtain the TTF font(s) you’d like to use; I’ll use the custom Monaco Linux font as an example. Compiling 32bit on 64bit Fedora. How to extract rar files in fedora 14 ? «