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How do you completely de-personalize Google results? I asked this question to Twitter the other day but didn't get any answers I hadn't heard before.

How do you completely de-personalize Google results?

I'm hoping this post uncovers something new. A bit of background. Google announced personalized search for everyone way back in 2009. Here's what the relevant part of announcement said then (emphasis added): Google Pushing Out Panda Update 3.9 Tonight. New notifications about inbound links. Webmaster level: Advanced Lots of site owners use our webmaster console to see how their site is doing in Google.

New notifications about inbound links

Last week we began sending new messages to sites with a pattern of unnatural links pointing to them, and I wanted to give more context about these new messages. Original Link Messages First, let's talk about the original link messages that we've been sending out for months. When we see unnatural links pointing to a site, there are different ways we can respond. SEO by the Sea. Hacker News.