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Seeds. No clue At All. {*style:<b> Most people think of gardens as a seasonal, yearly project, but it is actually less time consuming and more rewarding to keep the garden going year round. If one were to attempt to grow year round, indoor gardening techniques will be needed at least during winter to keep the garden producing.

You will have herb fresh at all times, there is no worry of mass storage thru the winter and spring, it requires less space, and once established, requires only minimal attention every week to keep it producing at optimal levels. The best part of being a gardener is it connects you to the earth. <b>GENETICS AND THE PLANT </b></b>*} {*style:<b> Attempt to find an Indica/Sativa hybrid if possible, as this will have the best high and good characteristics for indoor growth as well. The Indica plant is easily recognized by its extremely broad leaves that are very rounded on the sides. Look for seeds that are dark brown or light grey.

<b>INDOORS & OUTDOORS - CONSTANT HARVEST STRATEGY </b></b>*} FAQs / FAQ , Recipes, Medical Marijuana.

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Reference. DIY. BassPlayers DIY Tent Build Pictorial - 420 Magazine. I picked up 2 of these canvas wardrobes cheap in a sale... A few extra holes, a cut here, and a extra screw there, and... I put them together, used more than 200m of cloth tape and now the frame of the new tent looks like this... This is the back section, walls and ceiling of flower room lined with mylar, also top center panel of veg chamber... This is both front and back sections together but not yet fixed, also with removable light shelf in front half of veg chamber... Bassplayer. Cloning. MJ Guide - Your connection to the World of Marijuana. To Buy. 154142d1134537573-identify-male-female-m_and_f. How To Harvest Your Marijuana Plants 6 Times A Year! Business Models on the Web | Professor Michael Rappa. Business models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web.

There is so much talk about how the web changes traditional business models. But there is little clear-cut evidence of exactly what this means. In the most basic sense, a business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself -- that is, generate revenue. The business model spells-out how a company makes money by specifying where it is positioned in the value chain. Some models are quite simple. Internet commerce will give rise to new kinds of business models. Business models have been defined and categorized in many different ways. The basic categories of business models discussed in the table below include: The models are implemented in a variety of ways, as described below with examples.

Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent. Hear the podcast: Audio | Transcript Things to read: Marijuana Strain Reviews and Dispensary Finder. Grow Room Communications | MMJ Business Development & Public Relations | Blog Entries.

Lets Build a Clone Machine *Step by Step* Mums. This Article originally published at 27/6/2000. Revised and archived 20/10/03 by Oldtimer1. Now we will deal with every aspect of the care and maintenance of Mums including root and branch pruning as well as the renovation on an old mother well past her sell by date. "Tired of huge unwieldy mothers that take up too much space? As I've shown before, a fully established bonsai mum only takes 8 inches x 8 inches. " This bonsai mother, if well fed, produce 10 to 30 good cuttings every 14 days under an HID or every 20 days under fluorescent shop light. This means a 4 ft x 2 ft shoplight with 18 Mums, could produce an output of over 9500 cuttings a year. We are not talking about intensive production here but it shows just how flexible and efficient the system can be. Lets start with Mumming up a plant from a rooted cutting, once again this is simple.

Grow it on for a few days so it can start rooting through then trim its top back to leave 3 or 4 side shoots. How do I clone plants? Smokinrav's simple water-cloning method. Added by: MedMan As easy as cloning is to the masses that use powder, liquid/gel rooting hormone, bubblers and soil, etc. There is an even less complex method of cloning that is so easy, it must have been around for decades, if not centuries. The only ingredients involved are water, light, and the cutting you would like to root. In the example I?

M going to show, I? Ve cut three different sizes of clone. As with normal cloning, you immediately dip the cutting in the water for about 15 to 30 seconds, tweaking it to dislodge any air bubbles that may be present. So far, I? The picture shows my three cuttings in their water cups. Notice the glass that diffuses light, an extra measure against too much light exposure. The clones grew roots at far different speeds. By the time S? S is doing far better than the others (seen below) and M is finally starting to show. M showed roots in 14 days and was planted on day 18. L showed roots on day 11 and was in soil at day 18. DO NOT WATER!! That? <<All Different Strains with pics + info>> White Widow White Widow is one of a kind and winner of the Cannabis Cup in 1995!

This plant is the strongest among the weed species. Has the highest percentage of THC! A relatively short plant with high flower to leaf ratio it can do well indoor and outdoor. White Widow has a delicious aroma and sweet smooth fresh taste, as well as a serious high. Plant height: Medium PlantStoned or high? This easy to grow plant is of medium height and produces good yields quite quickly. Plant height: Short Plant Stoned or high? Aurora Indica Aurora Indica is an Afghan mixed with Northern Lights. Plant height: Short Plant Stoned or high? B-52 is a truly superior Skunk strain. Plant height: Medium Plant Stoned or high? Big Bud Big Bud is one of the oldest commercial strains. Plant height: Medium Plant Stoned or high? Blue Mystic Blue Mystic is one of the most popular strains of blue you have come to expect FROM Nirvana.

Plant height: Short Plant Stoned or high? Bubbelicious California Orange Chrystal Citral Four-Way. Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World - 420 Magazine. International Association for Cannabis as Medicine. 420 MAGAZINE. Az Grow Pro. General Services We can take away the expensive learning curve for you, and time is of the essence for most patients and caregivers.

Medical marijuana cards will remain valid for one year. After that only patients, and authorized caregivers with patients more than 25 miles of dispensaries will be authorized to grow. We can teach you efficiency, automation, and yield maximization within state guidelines through techniques such as SUPERCROPPING! Grow Consulting Grow Consulting: We review a questionnaire sheet from you regarding your topic before initiating paid calls, or video conferencing to maximize efficiency.

Topics covered: Compliance/Legal, Systems, Strain Selection, Design, Electrical, Hydroponics, Fertilizers, Light Cycles, Mothering, Cloning/Propagation, Cycling/Crop Turning, Automation, Yield Maximization, Drying/Curing, all grow methods i.e..indoor lighting/greenhouses/ outdoor, soil, hydroponics, aeroponics, sea-of-green, supercropping and many more!!! Prepaid Packages:

Supporter Profile | The BC Compassion Club Society. What's New | The BC Compassion Club Society.

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Home of H.U.M.A.N. the Hemp Users Medical Access Network: Toronto Medical Marijuana. 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts) - 420 Magazine. Hello everyone,This is my first grow journal here at 420. Actually you all are going to get to watch me embark on my first attempt at Hydro. I've been growing in soil for some time and have decided to build my own system.With a lot of help from a friend on another site, I've put together a 9 site Aero system that may interest some of you. I cannot take credit for this concept.

I simply modeled my design after my friends. He's the Genius. I don't want to time out, more to come... Aeroponic Space Shuttle. Plant Life Documenting Notebook Calendar - Plant Life Documenting System. Vic's Super Soil Recipes & Notes - 420 Magazine. How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know! - 420 Magazine. Growing Cannabis Outdoors. Growing Cannabis Outdoors Tom, an American, is one of the most successful growers I have ever interviewed. His methods are extremely simple and easy. He is a smart, lazy man who pays attention to Mother Nature. Tom’s complete and simple understanding of plant growth makes him a very successful guerilla grower. These simple concepts are key to assimilating guerilla growing. Wild cannabis plants are vigorous, aggressive, competitive weeds.

Some varieties have a large root system which helps them survive moisture stress and poor soil. Cover the soil around the plant with a thick layer of natural mulch to attract condensed water and to keep soil moisture from evaporating. Reasonable soil will grow a plant that is 7 – 8 feet tall with roots that spread 5 feet across and 6 feet deep. Polymer crystals hold water and gradually release it as the soil dries out. Transplant seedlings or clones in spring and grow cannabis plants as you would tomatoes. First the plant must use all water in the soil. Chapter 16 | The Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer The Emperor’s New Clothes Alternatives to Prohibition In conclusion, we see that the government’s case against marijuana is woven of transparent lies. In this chapter, we bring to light some research that the government does not like people to know about. Then we talk about some realistic alternatives.

But first, a brief fable: The Story of the Emperor’s New Clothes (Paraphrased from Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tale) There once was a very, very vain and terrible King/Emperor who heavily taxed his subjects in order to pay for his incredibly fine wardrobe made from the most expensive fabrics. One day, two swindlers, representing themselves as great tailors from afar, arrived and sought an audience with the Emperor. The Emperor agreed, afraid to admit that he did not see anything because that would mean he was a dull and stupid person.

So, to test his ministers, the Emperor brought them all in to get their opinions. “Just hear what the innocent says!”


Project - forget the fogger, I'm going HP aero - Page 2 - The Garden's Cure. Hulled Hemp seed | Hulled Hempseed | Certified Organic Hulled Hemp Seed. Shelled hemp seed has virtually revolutionized hemp food. For many years all we had available to us was the wonderfully crunchy whole seed, which we enjoyed massively but some people found quite difficult to eat. The hulls of the hemp seed are not impossible to chew and are really very good for you, but they are not a typical item that the general population would choose to eat if there was an alternative.

Hulled hemp seed is that alternative. We still highly recommend eating whole seed as we are all significantly lacking in fibre in our diets but we also must provide shelled hemp seed hearts as they are also an excellent way to consume protein and EFAs. While whole seed has it's advantages, so does hulled seed. By removing the hulls you actually increase the overall percentage of proteins, not because the seed has changed in any way, but because we have removed something, the hulls and fibre content.

Certified Organic Hulled Hemp Seed (Hemp Hearts) How to Toast Sesame Seeds. How do i remove the shells of the seeds from my batch of sunflowers. How to make hemp oil by Rick Simpson l Cannabis N.I. For those of you who have watched the documentary "Run from the Cure", this should answer any questions about producing your own hemp oil aka cannabis oil, not 'hemp seed oil' that can bought in health shops. Caution: Oils that drug dealers sell can have many contaminants and often little or no THC.

From my experience, most hemp oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal use. Make your own oil or have someone you trust produce the oil to assure a very pure, high quality oil is produced. How much to make and take? One pound (500g) of bone-dry hemp buds will usually produce about 2 ounces (55 - 60 mL) of high-grade oil. This amount of oil will cure most serious cancers; the average person can ingest this amount in about three months. This oil is very potent so one must begin treatment with small doses. Will I get high? Will I become addicted? Is this the same as hemp seed oil? Are hemp and marijuana the same? Are all hemp plants the same? How do I use it?

Chapter 2 | A Brief Summary of the Uses of Hemp If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse Effect and stop deforestation, then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world’s paper and textiles; meeting all of the world’s transportation, industrial and home energy needs; simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time. That substance is the same one that did it all before, Cannabis Hemp … Marijuana!

Ships & Sailors From at least the 5th century B.C. until the late-19th century, 90 percent of all ships’ sails were made from hemp. (Abel, Ernest, Marijuana: The First 12,000 Years, Plenum Press, 1980; Herodotus, Histories, 5th century B.C.; Frazier, Jack, The Marijuana Farmers, 1972; U.S. (Abel, Ernest, Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years, Plenum Press, 1980; Ency. How to make hemp biodiesel | hemp fuel | hemp biodiesel.

How to Make hemp Bio DieselTitration method Safety first: Wear protective clothing and eyewear. This is a serious activity and it not recomended for a “weekend project”. This process is only for reference as to what skilled biodiesel makers would do. Measure Free Fatty Acid content of your oil: Mix 1 ml oil with 10 ml Isopropyl alcohol = 2 drops phenolthalian solution (available in a hobby shop chemistry set suppliers). Drop-wise add 0.1% lye solution ( 1 gm lye in one liter water ) until the solution stays pink for 10 seconds. (20 drops = 1 ml) Record the milliliters of 0.1% lye solution used. Methanol You will need 200 ml of methanol per liter of Hemp Seed oil. Sodium Methoxide For each liter of hemp seed oil you need one gram of granular solid lye for each ml of 0.1% lye solution used in titration of free fatty acids plus 3.5 grams.

Mixer The type of mixer depends on the size of the batch. Drying: Water in the bio Diesel makes cloudy so it must be carefully heated. Shopping Cart - Growing Marijuana: Managing Small Plants. Quick Note If you're looking for more on growing marijuana, start here: Anthony's Marijuana Growing Advice . If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Make sure to send me pictures of your plants so I can see what condition they're in.

Make sure to inform me on the strain, lighting, soil/hydro, location, and any other information you may have so that I can help. Your best bet is to join a marijuana growing forum where hundreds of growers can help you with your questions. Well folks I got a question in regards to my initial Marijuana Mondays post back in August. Question: How do you grow plants on a small scale? Root Zone First of all, to grow plants at that small scale you have to control the size of the root zone. Genetics Scientifically, marijuana's name is Cannabis Sativa. Sativas tend to grow tall and lanky (long internodal spacing) with thin-bladed leaves. Indicas are a bit shorter and stubby (tighter internodal spacing) with fat-bladed leaves. Science and Breeding Conclusion. Caregiver. Plastic insect mesh | Insect Net | Netting | Fine Screen Mesh | Mosquito. Plastic Color Canvas-Black: Patio, Lawn & Garden.

Root excelurator. How do I identify and prevent Root Rot? - 420 Magazine. The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!