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The Epic of Gilgamesh Podcasts. The Chaldean Account of the Deluge Index. Sacred Texts Ancient Near East Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 2 [1873] 213-34. Start Reading This paper, which was read before the Society of Biblical Archaeology in London on Decmber 3rd, 1872, caused a sensation. George Smith (1840-76), an engraver by trade, was self-educated in Biblical and Near Eastern archeaology, mostly by studying the exhibits at the British Museum.

He joined the museum as a 'repairer', piecing together fragments of tablets from Ninevah, a job which he excelled at. Smith started to find bits and pieces which suggested an account of a flood. The tablet had the story of a deluge, which resembled the account in Genesis, but which was obviously older than the Bible.

The Chaldean Account of the Deluge. The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, BM+VAT: BAPLAR: SOAS. Epic of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh part 1. 1 - La Epopeya de Gilgamesh, the Epos of Gilgamesh, por Laura Olivares.