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Transitions and Frameworks

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Children and Families Bill 2013 Factsheet. Dr Dunford's Review of Office of Children's Commissioner. Nutbrown Review. EYFS Statutory Framework. Dame Tickell's Review. Dame Clare Tickell is today recommending that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is radically slimmed down to make it easier to understand, less burdensome and more focused on making sure children start school ready to learn. Accessible Media Player by Nomensa The timeline slider below uses WAI ARIA.

Please use the documentation for your screen reader to find out more. Setting out her recommendations, Dame Clare says that while parents and early years professionals agree that the EYFS has had a positive impact on children’s outcomes and helped to raise standards, in its current form there is far too much time spent filling in forms and not enough interacting with children. She says the EYFS needs to be simplified and made even more accessible for parents and practitioners.

The current EYFS has 6 areas of learning and 69 learning goals. These goals are used to monitor children’s progress while they are in pre-school. Dame Clare Tickell said: I’m delighted with Dame Clare’s report. Primary National Curriculum until 2014. Children Act 1989. Summary of Childrens Act 1989.

Children Act 2004. Every Child Matters - Change for Children. Overview of Children's Act 2004.