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Actionscript 3 Tutorial: hitTestPoint and hitTestObject‬‏ Adobe Flex Tutorial - Tutoriaux Flex Builder, MXML, ActionScript, AS3. Banquise 3D « Flash Dungeon. 14 jan 2011 à 13:09 IP-Fix 3D , Alternativa3D , actionscript Voici une expérimentation pour créer des banquise ! J’ai commencé sa création lors d’ un workshop bien cool avec Nicoptere à Gobelins et je suis assez content du resultat actuel par rapport à ce que j’avais réussi a faire pendant le Workshop ( decouverte des vertex, alternativa , tout ça tout ça Pour savoir comment je l’ai fait : Choix du moteur 3D : J’ai pris Alternativa pour ces excellente perf, le problème c’est qu’il est tres root pour le moment et pour faire des trucs cool faut mettre la main dans le cambouis :D Au niveau de l’algo : je fais un polygone 2d ( p0 ) je modifie les coordonnée de ces points aléatoirement ( jitter ) pour en faire p1 j’effectue une triangularisation dessus afin de pouvoir créer les faces du haut et du bas en 3D (p2) Je crée les faces du haut et du bas en 3d en créant les vertex Je simplifie l’ensemble ( weldface / weldvertex ) et j’optimise pour le bsp sorting.

Guide de référence du langage et des composants ActionScript 3.0. Tutorial – Using Sound in ActionScript 3. This tutorial is Part 1 of a series of tutorials on creating a music player.

Tutorial – Using Sound in ActionScript 3

Click the links below to view the other posts in the series: Lately it seems that everyone has become somewhat of a music snob. Everyone is convinced that his or her taste in music is perfectly objective and that anyone who doesn't like his or her favorite band is intellectually inferior. For instance, if you were to tell me that you didn't adore The Shins, Led Zeppelin, and/or Billy Joel, I would probably write your mother a letter, verbally assaulting her for drinking so much vodka while she was pregnant. Note: If you're easily bored with tutorials and just want to look at some ActionScript, be sure to check out my recent post on an ActionScript 3 / XML Music Player I created. In this tutorial, we're not going to talk about importing a sound into Flash. To create a sound object, we first created a variable called "music" and we set this variable equal to a new Sound object.

Phase Two: Shut that Racket Off! 28 brushes photoshop style rétro pour photoshop. Diaporamas et défilement d’images. Timing an animation in ActionScript 3. This tutorial will show you how to time your animation in ActionScript 3. All the concept are the same as in ActionScript 2, but how you do it is quite different. The easiest thing to do is to animate to properties in parallel (starting at the same time).

All you have to do in your code is to write your tweens one after the other just like this, (this is the same as in ActionScript 2): This code will move the MovieClip(or Sprite) with instance name “bloc” horizontally while making it appear (alpha). But you can’t do all animations like this. First you have to import the events relative to tweens using the “import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;” statement. First you have to import the classes related to the Timer, then you create your timer. With what I have shown here you should be able to time your animations in ActionScript 3 the way you want without any trouble.

Digital Painting Simplified.